Pumpkin Math & Parent Teacher Reminders

Just a few reminders for you…

Pumpkin Math is Tomorrow!  Please bring a large shirt for your child to wear over their uniforms as well as some gloves – especially if they don’t like the feeling of pumpkin goop on their hands!

Parent Teacher Interviews on Friday, November 1st

This is essentially a more formal version of our September parent night where you have the opportunity to connect with your child’s teachers in regard to your student’s progress so far this year.

This Parent/Teacher Interview day replaces our report cards which were traditionally sent out at the beginning of December. As happened last year, students will not receive a report card until the end of January. Therefore, the parent teacher interview will be an important day to discuss progress, celebrate growth and consider goals for your child. We would love to see all our parents on this day!

On November 1, the school will be open from 10-4 for interviews. Here is some information on how this day will work:

1- Please email me to request a specific appointment time or use the sign-up sheet available near the door of our classroom to sign up for a time slot.

2 – Head to the office if you need directions on where to go.  There will also be free coffee, treats, and school store items available for purchase in the school foyer.

3- Proceed to the room of the teacher you’d like to chat with about your child – Mrs. Goosen is Portable 1. Interviews are 15 minutes.

Have a fantastic week!

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