DPA, Service Day and More…

PRO D DAY TOMORROW – have a fabulous day off!!

Couch to 5km Run/Walk Program

This week in DPA (daily physical activity) we started a ‘Couch to 5km’ run/walk program.  This is a very gradual program that increases the students ability to run a long distance – 5km or 30 minutes continuously!  I am not sure that we will complete the program before June but we will have gotten a good start!  We will be doing this on Wednesday and Fridays so please ensure that your child has their gym strip at school..

Service Day on Tuesday

Please remember to hand in the service day forms on Monday.  Students can dress in casual clothes but please make sure that these are ‘work clothes’ and runners as the students will be getting dirty this day.  Also remember to send along work gloves and trowels.

Spelling Lists

List 1: bargain, fierce, gracious, humble, bright, busy, general, square, according, angry, tomorrow, secure, manner, increases, combine, due, release, wear, lose, already

List 2: pigeon, heir, emperor, citizen, attorney, customer, majority, issue, tissue, scene, journey, compliment, appetite, apparatus, envelope, vegetable, approach, difficulty, aisle, icicle

Enjoy the long weekend!

Service Day!!

Next Tuesday, April 19th is Highroad’s Annual Service Day where the various classes participate in service activities in our community.  Our grade 5 class, along with Mrs. Couse’s class, will be heading to the Harrison area to do some weed clean-up for the FVRD.  We will be leaving at lunch and back before 3pm.  We would love for a few parents to join us to help with crowd control.

Students need to bring GARDENING GLOVES (available at the Dollar Store) and a hand trowel, if you have one.  Don’t feel like you need to purchase the trowel if you don’t have one.

Students can wear play clothes on this day and should dress in layers for the ever-changing weather.  If it is pouring rain, we will not go.  If you have any questions, please e-mail Mrs. Derksen at mderksen@highroadacademy.com.

Next Week

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend with this amazing weather we are having!
I wanted to let you know about a few things that are coming up next week:

Math Quiz – on Monday we will be having a Math quiz.  The review sheet will be coming home today with all of the information that the kids need to know.  They will have to memorize HOW to find perimeter, area of both rectangles and triangles as well as volume.

Cowboy Dress up – Wednesday, April 13th

Pro D Day – Friday, April 15th

There will be NO spelling test next week as we have a short week.

Art Gala Talent Show Tryouts


There will be TWO days for tryouts!! 

#1 Thursday, April 21—for piano and other instruments

#2 Friday, April 22—for singing, dance, sports, and other talent

Where:  The Chapel (April 21)/ the Garage (April 22)

Time: 3:15-4:15 You may leave as soon as you have tried out….

What to bring:  your piano pieces, instruments, taped music (if you are using), any other item needed for your tryout.

PLEASE LET MISS WARDEN KNOW IF YOU CAN’T MAKE THE DAY ASSIGNED TO YOU.  We will try to arrange something for you….



April Dates & Spelling Words

April Dates
April 13 – Cowboy dress up
April 15 – Pro D Day
April 19 – Service Day
April 27 – Knight Day
April 28 – Class photos

Spelling Words

List 1:  radio, video, shelf, valley, mouse, echo, diamond, salary, lawyer, prisoner, prefix, success, variety, sheep, moose, piano, eternity, tomato, idea, enemy

List 2:  yield, siege, achieve, receive, conceit, vein, foreign, describe, response, rebellious, neutral, suggest, penalize, unfortunate, height, revere, mere, necessary, envelop, compute

Bible Memory Verse

It is on the Bible Memory link but I have put it here this week for you as well:

April 4-7

I Corinthians 13:1

1 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.


Rube Goldberg Project is Underway!

The class has been busy working on their final project for our unit on Force, Motion and Simple Machines.  They are building a complex machine which has seven parts to it and three simple machines…all to perform the simple task of popping a balloon.  Yesterday and today the groups have been busy planning out their machine and are all ready to start building tomorrow!  We have most of the supplies here at school but there may be an item or two that your child needs to gather from home.  If there is, please send it to school tomorrow, if possible.  Our plan is to have the projects ready to be judged on Thursday, April 7th at 1:00pm.  You are welcome to come and watch!

Thank you and have a great day!

Mrs. Goosen

Welcome Back

We hope you all had a fantastic spring break and had were able to relax and enjoy time with your family and friends!


Right before the break we did a diagnostic spelling test with the class.  We do this a couple times a year to see how the class is progressing with their spelling.  We were very pleased to see a large jump in most of the student’s spelling abilities.  We have decided to increase the spelling level of both spelling lists and then shuffle students so they are on a list that best meets their spelling needs.  Students will find out what list they are on tomorrow.

List 1: loose, sweet, common, stage, resign, precious, provision, honour, congratulate, tension, tooth, patient, sword, wreck, profession, convention, tempt, facial, attention, experiment

List 2: conserve, survive, circumference, circumstance, earliest, rehearse, adjourn, dropped, forgetting, beginning, science, ceremony, bouquet, colony, colonies, colonel, kernels, descend, descent

Student Led Devotions

This week we will begin student led devotions.  This is a time where the students read the daily devotional in front of the class. I will hand out a schedule to the class and every Wednesday and Friday a different student will take their turn leading devotions.  I will hand out the devotional reading at the beginning of each week for them to practice reading aloud at home.

Little Hoopster’s & Diggers Start this Week

Both programs begin this week, with Little Hoopster’s running on Tuesdays and Little Digger’s running on Thursdays.  Both clubs are in the gym from 3:20 – 4:30 and run for eight weeks.

Have a great week!

Spring Break is Almost Here!

I think that all of us in the grade five class would agree…we CAN’T wait until spring break!  The students have worked hard this week at staying focused and finishing up assignments.  It has been a great term and they definitely deserve a break!  Tomorrow we will finish the day with The Story of Jesus for Children.  Your child can bring a snack to share, if they would like.

We wish you and your family a fantastic spring break and we will see you in a couple of weeks!


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