A Fun First Week!

We survived the first week back at school!  It was hard being inside this week with the gorgeous weather beckoning us outside!  We had a great few days together and it was fun seeing the classroom dynamics and begin getting to know the students.

Here are some things we did this week…

  • We did a fun team building activity where the students had limited supplies to try and build the tallest tower
  • we joined Mr. Hancock’s class for some exploratory Math lessons
  • we started to learn about our brain and how it is like a muscle – the more we practice the better we will get at something.  Our brain was designed to learn and we shouldn’t quit or give up when things are hard…after all, we can all do things now that we couldn’t do 5 years ago!
  • We lerned about the importance of setting goals and will be setting some short and long term goals next week.
  • we learned the difference between real reading and fake reading. We learned a big new word called Metacognition – thinking about your thinking!  We made a ‘real reading salad’ to demonstrate that real reading includes both text and thinking!
  • we reflected on the tragedy of 9/11.
  • We had a special guest do a cooking demonstration on building the ultimate burger.  This was compared to building the ultimate paragraph!  Did you know that the top portion of a burger bun can be compared to a topic sentence?  True story!

I will try and get some pictures of our first week to you in the next several day!  Have a fantastic weekend!






Where’s the Subscribe Button?

Hi everyone!  I wanted to let you know that we are waiting for an upgrade to our blog – one that gives us a pretty background and more features, like the subscribe button!  Once you are able to subscribe I will have the students put a note into their planners.

Thanks for your patience!


Welcome to Our Class!

Welcome to Mrs. Goosen and Mrs. Derksen’s grade 5 class blog.  We are so excited to be starting a new year with you and look forward to getting to know you and your families.

On the first day of school a letter will be sent home for parents.  It will be one of the last paper newsletters that you will see, as all class information, notifications, assignments, important dates, etc will be posted here during the year.

Please subscribe to our blog (on the right hand side bar) so that you will receive an e-mail when we make a new post.  Looking forward to a great year together!

And That’s A Wrap…

2015-06-18 14.54.14


It’s hard to believe that another year has come to an end.  We feel so honored to have worked with such a wonderful group of students this year.  We wish you all the best!  Have a wonderful summer and don’t forget to pop in now and then next year to say hello.  We’ll miss you!  Love Mrs. Derksen & Mrs. Goosen

Last Week Reminders

I just wanted to send a few last reminders for this week:

Wednesday – noon dismissal

Thursday – CLASS PARTY!!  Mrs. Derksen will supply the plates, napkins, pop and cups.  If students could bring a snack to share (cookies, chips, popcorn etc.) that would be great.

Friday – year end assembly in the morning with students dismissed afterwards.

Enjoy the few days before summer break!

Mrs. Goosen


Waterslides Tomorrow!

Just a reminder of our waterslides fieldtrip tomorrow. We will be leaving the school at 9:00 and returning at 3:30. Students going on the bus can meet in the front foyer of the school. If you are planning on meeting us there, please wait at the main gate for us. Parents and siblings 4 and under who wish to come along may pay $10 at the park. In order to respect our grade specific fieldtrips, please do not pull other school age children from class to go to the waterslides. In bathing suit selection, please refer to our non-uniform standard (p3). Please err on the side of modesty to help make staff, parents and students feel comfortable. In the event that a child’s bathing suit does not meet these standards, they may be asked to wear a t – shirt. You should also bring the following:

  • sunscreen
  • hat
  • towel
  • lunch/lunch money
  • snack
  • change of clothing

Looking forward to a fun day.

Rube Goldberg Projects are Underway!

image image image image image image image image image imageYesterday was a project building day…and it was exciting to see the students projects take shape!  The groups were all very engaged yesterday afternoon and it was great to see the progress that was made.  Some groups quickly realized that what they had planned was not going to work, so modifications had to be made!  There are a few groups who are completely done and ready to go, while some others will need to meet before Tuesday and modify their machines.  A reminder that both the actual structure and the written work/blueprint are due on Tuesday afternoon.  We will have about 90 minutes on Tuesday to finalize our projects and work out the small kinks or finish up our written work.

Mr.  Hancock and myself will be judging these machines on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30.  You are welcome to come and join us and see some fantastic, balloon- popping Rube Goldberg Machines!

Mrs. Goosen


Reminders for this week

Here are a few reminders for this week:

Wednesday is our sports day!  Dismissal is at noon and students should dress in their team colours!  Teams are below:

Red – Jacob, Matthew, Della, Halle, Elijah, Austyn,

Green- Alison, Lydia, Roan, Carys, Kaetlyn, Annie

Grey – Brock, Brooke, Jenna

Black – Shaelyn, Ivan

Yellow – Felicity

Blue – Lukas, Annika


Also a reminder that the field trips for both Britannia Mine Museum and Cultas Lake Waterslides need to come in this week!

Friday, June 12th we leave bright and early for the Brittania Mine Museum

Monday, June 15th – Cultas Lake waterslides

Enjoy the sunshine this week!



Garden News

Our class garden box is blooming and growing.  There are all types of delicious foods popping up and we are hoping to enjoy some of these before the end of the year.  As we approach summer, Mrs. Johnsrude is wondering if there are one or two parents who would be willing to come and collect produce from the garden boxes.  There will still be veggies throughout the month of July and it would be great to see that go to good use.  There will be several high school students who will continue to look after watering and weeding, but they need parents to come get the vegetables and distribute them to anyone who is interested.  If our class decides to just leave the boxes at the end of the school year, the high school students will use or donate the remaining vegetables that are harvested.

If you are interested in collecting the vegetables, please let Mrs. Derksen know before the end of school, otherwise our harvested food will be donated back to the community of Chilliwack.  Thanks!


Ideally, I would get a list of parents and their phone numbers and then we will set up a schedule for pick up.  My students would call the parents and they would come get the produce.

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