Welcome to Our Class!

We would like to welcome you to our grade six class!  We are so excited to have you be part of our classroom this year and we look forward to working with you and getting to know both you and your family!

This is our blog!!  We are both pretty new to the blogging world and we are  working hard to ensure this is a user-friendly blog where you can find important information and have some fun!!  Please check out all of the different sections and sign up to have our blog posts automatically sent to your inbox.

Today we sent a note home containing important information about the class.  All further information will be posted here so stay tuned…=)

Electricity materials wanted

I (Mrs. Goosen) am starting an electricity unit next week and am in need of several pairs of wire snippers and wire strippers.  I will need them for September and most of October.  If you are able to lend them out that would be fantastic – you can drop them off anytime this week or Monday next week!  Please label them so I know who to return them to.  Thank you!

Volunteers for PE needed

We are currently looking for parent volunteers that have a passion for track & field &/or soccer.  For the first 6 weeks of school we will be practicing track & field events and soccer skills.  In order to provide the students with lots of practice and involvement, we want to have several stations running at the same time.  If you are available on Mondays or Fridays, from 12:50-1:40, please contact one of us as soon as possible.  Thank you!

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