Weekly Update

We have survived our first week back at school!  I am proud of how the class gotten back into the swing of things!  We had several new things starting this week.  The first was the Tower of Books challenge!  Wow, the class has certainly exceeded my expectations on how much they are reading!  I am very proud of them!

We also have a “Can You Unlock the Mystery” activity happening in our room.  This is something the students are working to earn, good behaviour gets them closer to a class prize!  The picture below shows you what the activity looks like!  They have five remaining pieces to take off of the mystery picture…then they will earn their prize!

Bake Sale:  Please send baking to school on Wednesday (unless you are purchasing donuts – then Thursday morning).  Students will sign up for a slot to come and sell items at the bake sale.  Thank you in advance for helping us with this sale.  It is very SWEET of you!

Hot Lunch:  The next hot lunch is coming up.  Go onto munchalunch.com to order your lunch!

Half Day Reminder:  We have a half day on Monday, January 20th.  It is not in the calendar so I wanted to make sure to highlight it.

Upcoming Events:

Jan 20 – Half Day

Jan. 24 – Knight Day/Hot Lunch

Jan. 31 – Report Cards Go Home

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