Happy Belated United Nations Day!

  Today we celebrated United Nations Day in our class.  The actual birthday of the UN was last week on Oct 24th; however, I wasn’t working with the class that day so today we acknowledged it.  Our party started off with an exhilarating ‘Continent’ game outside in the parking lot where I shouted out the name of a country and the students had to race to 1 of 6 ‘continents’ that corresponded with that country.  It was highly entertaining, (especially for me!) and will be a game that we play again I’m sure.  We then returned to class and watched a music/visual performance from Humanitarian Day in August.  It’s a moving video (see link below) and we had a brief discussion after about how all of humanity has a desire to be known and how, in our heart of hearts, we all want to make a difference in this world.  Then the students started an art project called “Many Colored Hands” and it was topped off with a rousing rendition of ‘Happy United Nations Day to You’ and yummy cupcakes baked by yours truly.  🙂  A fun afternoon had by all!

Mrs. Derksen

I Was Here, UN Humanitarian Day Performance


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