Our First Service Project

Last week we heard about the devastating fire that broke out at the Brodie’s home.  Everyone is safe but so much of what they owned is now gone.  As a class we decided that we wanted our first service project to be for David Brodie- who has lost so much!  Mrs. Derksen and I talked on Friday and we have decided to collect money this week for David.  We have two mom’s that will use the money to purchase some new things for David – a masculine ‘gift basket’, if you will!

There will be an envelope at our desk for you or your child to donate money.  We want to purchase some gifts over the weekend so please have the money in by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH.

As a class we look forward to being able to bless David – so thank you so much for supporting us in our first class service project!

Mrs. Derkesen & Mrs. Goosen


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