November 2012 archive

Electrical Inventions

Over the next couple of weeks we will wrap up our electricity unit.  The students have begun their big electrical invention today – planning and designing their final project…their ideas are awesome!  I do have some materials here (holiday lights, some batteries, brads, paper clips, tape, tinfoil, construction paper etc.) but students may need some additional materials.  I ask that you help the students gather these materials and they can bring and store them at school.  The students  have today and next week to work on their project and our presentations will happen on Monday, November 19th or 20.  I will keep you posted on when we will be presenting our projects and you are welcome to come and see the student’s ‘works of art’!

Mrs. Goosen

Full Dress Uniform & Remembrance Day Service

Just a reminder that our Remembrance Day service is this Friday at 11:00 and students will be dismissed at noon.  Friday will be a full dress uniform day so they will not need to wear their full dress uniform on Wednesday.

Here is our new spelling list for this week: impartial, possible, total, particular, natural, temporary, pleasant, grateful, certain, serious, local, opposite, peculiar, brilliant, divine, fertile, original, handy, constant, anxious.


Happy Belated United Nations Day!

  Today we celebrated United Nations Day in our class.  The actual birthday of the UN was last week on Oct 24th; however, I wasn’t working with the class that day so today we acknowledged it.  Our party started off with an exhilarating ‘Continent’ game outside in the parking lot where I shouted out the name of a country and the students had to race to 1 of 6 ‘continents’ that corresponded with that country.  It was highly entertaining, (especially for me!) and will be a game that we play again I’m sure.  We then returned to class and watched a music/visual performance from Humanitarian Day in August.  It’s a moving video (see link below) and we had a brief discussion after about how all of humanity has a desire to be known and how, in our heart of hearts, we all want to make a difference in this world.  Then the students started an art project called “Many Colored Hands” and it was topped off with a rousing rendition of ‘Happy United Nations Day to You’ and yummy cupcakes baked by yours truly.  🙂  A fun afternoon had by all!

Mrs. Derksen

I Was Here, UN Humanitarian Day Performance


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