And the winner is…

I am super excited to announce that Erica Lee won an art contest over the Christmas break.  In December we worked on our Stately Nutcrackers, a project which I had found on a fantastic art website called ‘Art Projects for Kids’.  The art teacher from the website was offering three prizes for the winter art projects she had shown on her site.  I took some pictures of the student’s art and submitted them…and Erica won!  The class recieved a $100 gift card to Michaels.  I went on Friday and bought a class set of watercolour pencils, lots of watercolour paper, some watercolour brushes and a special gift for Erica!  I have included the picture of Erica’s ‘Stately Nutcracker’…she did a fantastic job!  Congratulations, Erica!

Mrs. Goosen

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