Palindrome Contest and More…

Hi Everyone,

Our class is having a contest to see which student can find the longest palindrome by Wednesday, February 20th.  A palindrome is a word or phrase that can be spelled the same forwards and backwards.  For example:  mom, dad, level, race car, & Stanley Yelnats (the lead character of our novel).  Students may ask anyone they know for ideas, but NO INTERNET SEARCHES are allowed by the student or anyone helping them.  Have fun looking for palindromes and here’s one to get you thinking!

Palindrome comic

On Valentine’s Day the Brazil missions team is having a concession fundraiser at lunch. The following items will be available for purchase.

hot dog $2

chicken strips $3

fries $3

drinks $1

Our Anti-Bullying Assembly went very well today and the grade 6 students did an excellent job of their story reading and reader’s theatre.  As part of our assembly we showed a music video by Mike Tompkins.  Below is the link for the video if you are interested in checking it out.  Remember that all of the sounds in the videos are made from his mouth alone.

Stand Up by Mike Tompkins

Enjoy your long weekend!  Happy Family Day to all!

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