
Mrs. Derksen and I have noticed a significant drop in many of the students spelling marks for term two.  We would like to offer the students an opportunity to raise their term mark by a maximum of 10%.  Students will be given a list today containing 30 words from the last 6-8 weeks of spelling.  On Tuesday, March 5th we will test the students on these words and adjust their term two mark accordingly.

The students will also be recording their weekly spelling marks in their planners and we ask that you sign the planner to signify you have seen the mark.

I have written the list down below and will give the students the same list today in class.  Please come and speak with Mrs. Derksen or myself  (or email us a pgoosen@highroadacademy OR mderksen@highroadacademy) if you have any questions.

Mrs. Goosen & Mrs. Derksen

Spelling List:

1.  siege                                             2.  foreign

3. penalize                                        4.  necessary

5.  circumstance                           6.  bouquet

7.  colonial                                      8.  conserve

9.  stationary                                10.  argument

11.  estimate                                  12. accident

13.  medicine                                14.  whether

15. realize                                      16.  forfeit

17.  exception                             18.  official

19.  altogether                             20.  business

21.  chimney                                22. drought

23. electrician                            24.  discovery

25. dilemma                                26. automobile

27. deceived                              28. appearance

29. universal                              30. familiar




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