Welcome Back!

We hope you and your family had a relaxing Christmas holiday!  I know that both Mrs. Derksen and I had a fantastic Christmas break, spending lots of time with our families and enjoying a couple of weeks off!  And now we are busy preparing to get back into the swing of things!  We have a number of different items below as January seems to be a busy month.

Winter Scene Photos Needed

This Wednesday we are beginning a new art project using paint and charcoal and the students need to bring a photo of a winter scene – with lots of snow!  They can bring a photo from a book or print off a picture from the computer.  I will print off a couple of pictures but won’t have enough for each student.  I have posted a few examples for you to look at – you can even use one of those if you’d like!

winter image 1 winter image 2 winter image 3 winter image 4



Bible Memory Verse

The students will be learning Psalm 19: 1-8 for their next Bible Memory Verse and this Thursday they will be tested on verses 1 & 2.  It is up on the blog, under the Bible Memory Verse section.


Water Bottles for Phys Ed


Mrs. Derksen and I are starting a new BOOTCAMP unit in Phys Ed and students (as well as us) will be working up quite a sweat!  Please have them put water bottles in their gym bags as there will not be opportunities for the class to run out to the water fountains.


Ski Trip Information

Just a reminder that the online registration for the Intermediates’ ski trip closes on Tuesday evening, January 7th. If you have not yet registered online, please do so immediately! You will not be able to register at the payment lines. The online registration is on Mrs. Couse’s blog in the top right-hand corner.

The payment phase of ski registration is this Wednesday and Thursday, January 8th & 9th. It will be in the school lobby from 3:10-3:50 pm. Please bring the waiver form signed on both sides. Just one form is required per family, but all parents and children attending must legibly sign it. (I need to be able to read it. Thank you!) Payment will be made at the registration tables (not at the office). Payment may be made by cash or cheque; or by debit or student reserve accounts.

Parents who are going along need to have filled in a criminal records check and those who are driving another family must also bring your drivers license and $2 million liability insurance to the school office so they can make a copy of it.  Please do so by Tuesday.

If you have questions, please ask Mrs. Couse after school on Monday or Tuesday, or send her an email.

Thank you,

Mrs. Barb Couse

Ski Trip Coordinator








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