Today We Remember

September 11th.  A day that I will never forget.  Forever, I will remember where I was, the thoughts running through my head, and the ache for the victims and their families.

Today in class we had a class discussion about the tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001.  Most of the grade 5/6 students were not yet born, but I felt it was  important that we talk about the tragedy that we remember on this day.  I showed the students a short tribute video and we had a great discussion about the cause of the events and the importance of showing love to others.  Spreading love in this world, not judgement or hate, can solve a multitude of problems.  This will be a common theme that we discuss in Social Studies this year.

I encourage you to continue these discussions with your children, as I’m sure most of you remember vividly where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news of 9/11.  Mrs. Derksen

9/11 Tribute Video

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