Voting Day

Today was Voting Day in the grade 5/6 class.  We started off the day listening to the final candidate speeches.  Each member of the class researched and wrote a ‘campaign speech’ about one of the mayoral/council candidates.  They did an excellent job of gathering information about the candidates’ platforms, as well as telling us their personal opinion about whether or not they would vote for that person and why.  I found it very educational and entertaining!  After recess, some of the grade 10 students came in with their ballots, screens, and boxes, so that the grade 5/6 students could participate in a ‘real’ election.  We are very curious to know if our class results match the actual results from tomorrow’s vote.

PLEASE take the opportunity to vote tomorrow!  Take your kids along so that they can see the real deal and talk about the importance of voting for the leaders in our community.  (In all the excitement today, I completely forgot to take any photos.  Sorry!)  Mrs,. Derksen

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