Spelling List & Casual Day tomorrow

Tomorrow the students can support the Thailand Missions team – for a $2 donation the students can wear casual dress.

We are still in need of some classroom games – if you have any extra, please send them along!

Please continue bringing in cans for the Salvation Army Food Drive!

We are decorating the classroom for Christmas tomorrow afternoon!  If you have any decorations you would like to lend us, please send them along tomorrow!

Spelling List 1:  president, relative, boundary, thirteen, mice, circus, either, critic, culture, problem, preside, relate, convict, remember, attempt, declare, arrest, enclose, await, consent

Spelling List 2:  business, biscuit, stomach, process, chimney, choir, chorus, drought, medal, favourite, conversation, burglar, ache, electrician, bruise, volume, hymn, lily, discovery, scissors





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