Together We Are A Masterpiece!

The last two weeks we have spent a lot of time talking about having a growth mindset.  This is the mindset that we can ALL grow and learn new things…our abilities are far beyond what we think they are.  We have learned that our brain is a muscle that can grow…that when we make mistakes the synapses in our brain are firing and working…our brain is growing and getting stronger.  We have also talked a lot about turning our negative thoughts (fixed mindset) into positive ones.  If we learn to work through failures and challenges, believing that we CAN do things and understand things, that is when true growth and learning will happen!

We have also worked on setting goals for this year – one long term and one short term goal.  The students wrote their goals on hand templates, decorated them and then cut them out.  Below I have a picture of the bulletin board we made with our goals…it is true, together we are a masterpiece!

Enjoy your weekend!

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