Casual Day, Food Drive, and Concert News

Casual Day TOMORROW!!  My apologies for not reminding the students today.  Students can pay $2 and dress in casual clothes OR they may wear their uniform as usual.  All money raised is going to support the Highroad Guatemala Missions Trip.

Food Drive:  Our Salvation Army food drive will begin on Monday, November 30th. We are competing with K-3 classes to see who can bring in the most cans. All food items are worth 1 point each except the following items are worth 5 points each:

1. canned tuna
2. peanut butter
3. Kraft Dinner
4. Canned chicken noodle soup
5. canned tomato soup
6. canned pasta sauce
7. dried pasta
8. canned fruit
9. chunky soup
10. canned vegetable soup

Christmas Concert:  The Intermediate/High School concert is on Monday, December 14th at 7pm.  Our grade 5 class will be dressing up in nativity costumes.  Please plan to dress your child as a shepherd, wise man, Mary/Joseph, etc.  Dig out those robes and head towels.  Look forward to seeing you all there!

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