A few things…

We began a new Science unit today on Force,  Motion and Simple Machines.  We started the lesson off with two videos and then I tasked the students to solve the problem on the bulletin board – how did the pencil get sharpened.  The bulletin board was in the form of a ‘Rube Goldberg’ machine – a complex machine that performs a very simple task.  The students got down to work and most of them were able to figure out the different steps involved…well done!  At the end of this unit the students will be creating their very own Rube Goldberg machine…it will be a lot of fun!!!  Below are the two videos I showed the class and some photos for you to enjoy.

Clubs are starting next week and we have two clubs with spaces still available.  Orgami has some space left and meets on Tuesdays.  We also have room in Chess and that meets on Thursdays.  Please email me if your child is interested in either of these clubs…they can even sign up for a second club if they wish!

Here are the spelling words for this week:

List 1:  waste, ate, hole, throw, threw, slide, struck, weather, second, weary, waist, eight, whole, needle, through, board, port, station, rate, shine

List 2:  century, centennial, centimeter, examine, examination, marry, marriage, condition, government, stopped, knowledge, theater, megaphone, belief, believe, ability, union, behave, behavior, course


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