And We’re Off!

We have come to the end of a fantastic first week of school!  Mrs. Derksen and I are SO EXCITED about this new class of students…they are so sweet and we are looking forward to a great year with them!

Nut Free Classroom:  We have students in this classroom with nut allergies and our classroom will be a nut free zone.  Please take care to ensure that food that you are sending with your child is nut free.

Picture Day on Tuesday:  A notice went home today.   Please ensure that your child is wearing full dress uniform.

Bible Memory Verse:  Your students have written their first Bible memory verse in their planners and it is also on the blog (Bible Memory tab).  Students will recite their verses to me on Thursdays, beginning next week.

Spelling:  On Monday we will introduce our first spelling words to the students.  Mondays will be the day new words are introduced and Fridays will be the day that they are tested.  We generally do not have spelling on short weeks and I try to post the words on the blog and Spelling City on Fridays (the link is on the blog – right hand side).

This year we have a large range of spelling abilities.  As one of our classroom goals is to provide opportunities for success for every child, we have decided to have two different spelling lists.  We do not feel like it is fair to either the struggling spellers or the proficient spellers to have them complete the same list.  One group will not be challenged and the other group will have little chance for success.  We want to help develop strong spellers and to do so, we need to start at where the kids are, not necessarily at where they should be.  Once a term we will complete diagnostic tests to ensure that the students are progressing and make adjustments to the lists as necessary.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to talk to either one of us.

List 1 words:  important, button, human, match, settle, regard, value, usual, fortune, count, repair, caught, taught, flight, trial, scale, support, favour, known, double

List 2 words:  impartial, possible, total, particular, natural, temporary, pleasant, grateful, certain, serious, local, opposite, peculiar, brilliant, divine, fertile, original, handy, constant, anxious

Dates to Remember:

Tuesday, Sept. 13-–INDIVIDUAL PHOTOS–Wear FULL DRESS uniform.

Monday, Sept. 19–HRA PARENTS’ WELCOME NIGHT--7 p.m. in CHAPEL

Friday, Sept. 23–PRO-D DAY (No school for students.)

Wednesday, Sept. 28–KNIGHT DAY–Students may wear their Highroad T-shirt and jeans!!

Classroom Economy:  Our classroom economy is off and running.  The class was excited to apply for their jobs and start working this week.  At the end of the month the students will be getting paid their salary and pay the rent for their desk.  They will also be able to purchase itms at a class auction at the end of the month.  I have a few items for the auction but will need your help to get my bin filled.  Any sort of candy (Halloween candy is out now), small dollar store toys or gently used items from home would be greatly appreciated.

I think that is it!  Have a fantastic weekend!

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