The countdown is on for the ski trip this Friday, February 3rd.

On Friday, if your child is riding the bus, please have them in the school lobby at 6:30am, as the bus is scheduled to leave at 6:45am SHARP.  We will not be able to delay for latecomers.  For the afternoon pick-up, please be at the school at 4:30pm.  Please do not wait for a call from your child as this will delay the teachers having to wait as well.

Parents, if you are driving to the ski hill, you do not need to meet us at the school first.  In fact we encourage you to arrive at the ski hill ahead of the bus as the rental office is willing to process your rentals before the bus arrives.  Just let them know that you are part of the Highroad Intermediate field trip and make sure that check your name off the registration list.  Tell them your ID number and that will help them find your registration.

Students should bring plenty of food and juice as we’ll be gone for about 10 hours.  Please remember to bring your ski pass (if you have one), sleds for the toboganners, and a helmet if you aren’t renting.  Wear plenty of warm clothes and bring a change of dry clothes for the trip home.  No electronics are allowed on the bus, however we encourage you to bring books or activities for the bus ride.  We’d appreciate your prayers for safety and God’s protection on our day.

For those that signed up for lessons, all lessons for levels 1-3 will start at 9:30am sharp.  The instructors have asked that parents go and enjoy an hour of skiing on your own while your child is in lessons.

Your child’s teacher will be giving out the ID numbers to help facilitate finding your names on the registration list.  When the bus arrives, students will line up by ID number order and lift tickets will be handed out.

We’re looking forward to a great day at Manning!  See you there!

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