Friday Update

The students worked hard and we had a great week!  In Science we are learning about mining and the students became ‘cookie miners’ yesterday.  We learned about extracting minerals and the importance of caring for our environment!  I have some pictures for you to enjoy down below.  We seem to have a lot of things happening over the next several weeks so please take note of the items below.

Pajama day:  On April 11, we will be celebrating the coming spring by….. wearing pajamas!! That’s right! Wear your warm snugglies on Tuesday and let’s drive the cold rain away!
Students are allowed to wear their pajamas or other lounging wear on Tuesday but may also have something warm like a housecoat in case of chills. Pajamas should be appropriate with no bellies showing or anything else that might be considered inappropriate. You can bring a teddy or such and slippers to wear in the class.
If students do not wish to participate, that is completely fine and should then just wear their uniforms as if it is a normal day.

Easter Assembly: The Easter assembly will be at 2:00 on Thursday.  All parents are welcome to join us.

Genius Hour:  Genius Hour begins again on Wednesday.  If your child is in the middle of a project then please have them bring supplies so they can continue working.  Many of them will be starting new projects and will be in the planning stages…nothing needed from home.  =)

Easter Weekend:  Reminder that there is no school on Friday, April 14th and Monday, April 17th.

Pro D Day:  Monday, April 24th there is no school – it’s a day for the teachers to learn!

Knight’s Day:  Wednesday, April 26th

Spelling – We will do the test on Thursday instead of Friday.

List 1 (R5) : choose, entertain, weigh, improve, promise, prefer, chose, illustrate, prepare, soldier, machine, treason, objection, area, service, treasure, create, creation, quiz, effect

List 2 (V2):  mysterious, relieve, advise, solemn, apparent, image, imagine, column, independent, evidence, testimony, individual, innocence, sacrifice, prejudice, coarse, leisure, reference, occasion, acre


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