Weekly Update

We had a fun week this week in the grade five classroom – lots of dress up days, Math Mayhem and an Olympic Afternoon made for a busy and exciting week.

Anti-Bullying Chapel – We have some students who have volunteered to help with a reader’s theater and acting out scenarios for Tuesday’s assembly.  You are welcome to come and watch if you’d like!  Chapel starts at 9:15.

Ice Skating – Please hand in the forms for our ice skating field trips by Friday, February 8th.  We will be skating from 1-2 pm and would love for parents to join us!  Hope to see you there!

Jump Rope for Heart – envelopes came home this weekend and we would encourage your child to fundraise for this great cause.  Please return the envelopes whether they have been used or not.  Thank you!

Guatemala Hot Lunch Fundraiser  – forms went home this week and the class will be enjoying their lunch before we head out on our first skating trip, on February 14th.  Please send the forms in by Friday, February 8th.

Valentine’s Class List – Caleb, Megan, Steffen, Zara, Benjamin, Leah F., Ellie, Aliya, Colby, Sam, Daniel, Lucas, Leah K., Arella, Blake, Ethan, Kirsten, Kai, Kayleigh, Hunter, Jerah, Riya, Matthew, Ashlyn, Joshua

Spelling List – feature, neighbour, beige, sleeve, poverty, visitor, toward, pickle, advice, tobacco

February Dates 
February 14th: Valentine Dressup – Pink and Red
February 14th: Hot Lunch & Skating
February 19th: Skating
February 28th  Anti-Bullying ->Pink Shirt Day

I think that’s about it!  Have a great week!

1 Comment on Weekly Update

  1. Linda Klassen
    February 6, 2018 at 11:15 am (6 years ago)

    Great job on the Anti-bullying chapel today Grade Five class and Mrs. Goosen.

    The students performed their skits so well and the choices of videos were very powerful and relevant for kids.
    I especially liked that there were inspiring examples of ways that students have taken positive action to help eliminate this problem. Great for students to see!


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