Parent Teacher Interviews

Ms, Miller and I hope that your family is staying safe and dry during this time.

Parent/Teacher Interviews:

Due to COVID, this year’s parent teacher interviews will continue to look a little different. This year we are continuing to offer the ability to do your conferences remotely using Google Meet. Below you will find two choices for meeting with your child’s teachers as well as a chart to sign up for a time slot.

Option 1: Face to Face

You may choose this option if you would like to meet your child’s teacher face to face. As we are trying to limit the number of people in the class, please do not choose this option if you will need to bring children who are not students in your child’s class and can not be independent outside while waiting.  You will need to wait outside until it is your time. Chairs (and table areas if used) will  be wiped between meetings and the meeting will be conducted with appropriate spaces between teacher and parents

Option 2: Remote Model

This choice allows you to conduct your interviews remotely using Google Meets. This option is for parents and/or teachers who do not feel comfortable conducting interviews in person and for parents who would have to bring children not in that particular class to school with them ordinarily. You will be sent a link for the meeting just prior to your meeting.

Here is the link to sign up for a time to meet with us:

Praying for your safety during this rain!


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