Field Trip on Thursday

This Thursday we are heading to the Vancouver Maritime Museum.  The bus is leaving at 8:00 am.  Please ensure that your child is here and ready to leave by 7:50 so that we can load the bus and leave promptly at 8:00.  We have a tight schedule so we will not be able to wait if you are late.  Please ensure that your child has a bag lunch and a water bottle in a backpack.  We will be spending a good part of the day outside even if the weather is not good so, please have your child dress in layers and rain gear.  It looks like there is a good chance of rain.  We will be on the beach, at the ocean, so please ensure proper footwear. We ask that students are dressed in Knights Wear for this field trip.  We will be returning to the school at 4:00.  If you have any questions please let me know –

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