Archive of ‘uncategorized’ category

Calling all Christmas Decorations!!

We thought it would be nice to have our classroom decorated for the Christmas season – and the class eagerly agreed!  We will have a Christmas decorating party on Monday, December 3rd.  If you have any unwanted/unused decorations that we could borrow for a few weeks that would be greatly appreciated!  You will get your decorations back before we break for holidays!  Feel free to send them whenever they are ready!   No santa themed items, please and thanks!  =)


Christmas Fun Day!

The grades 4 – 6 teachers are excited to announce a Christmas Fun Day on Wednesday, December 19th.  This is an opportunity for all of the kids in each grade to spend some time together participating in some fun Christmas activities.  We will be rotating around, as grades, through a Christmas craft center, a Christmas baking center, and a Christmas card making center.  We will end our day off with a Christmas movie and treat.   This is also an opportunity for us to serve other people in our school community as our Christmas crafts and treats will be given to other people in our school.

We are looking for each to class to help us with supplies – if you are able to donate any of the items listed below please let Mrs. Derksen or myself  know and then bring them by Friday, December 14th.

2 Large boxes of Rice Crispies

8  1/2 cup squares of margarine

3-5 containers of sprinkles

Spelling Words

Our spelling words this week are:  sleigh, affair, paragraph, island, ambition, temperature, opinion, difference, onion, pistol, recess, canvas, dictionary, community, vanity, grocery, yourself, mushroom, celery, gallows.

The December chaos begins…check out these important dates/events!

A few things for you to be aware of:

Food Drive:  Begins MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th until Wed., Dec. 19th.

Needed items include:  canned meat, soup, pasta & sauce, rice, canned fruit/veggies, baked beans, peanut butter, tea, coffee, canned milk.

Please do not send Mr. Noodles, pop or bottled water.

If students want to also go door-to-door in their neighborhood, they must get a Salvation Army button.  See Mrs. Lade in the high school admin office if you’d like one.  $1 deposit for the buttons.

Ice Skating:  Friday, December 14th and Tuesday, January 15th.  Grade 6’s will be on the ice from 10:45-11:45 at Twin Rinks.  HELMETS ARE MANDATORY.  Parents welcome to join us but no room for siblings, sorry!  Permission slips will go home tomorrow.

Ski Trip:  January 31, 2013 for all students in grades 4-6 and their parents.  Registration will take place in December.   Watch for further information.

Don’t forget that next Friday is Crazy Hat Day and a noon dismissal.



Electrical Inventions & New Spelling Lists

We are well underway with our electrical inventions!  Students will be working on Monday and Tuesday to finish up their inventions and then present them on Wednesday, November 21st.  We will be presenting our inventions at 1:15 on Wednesday if parents would like to come by and see the students great work!

Our battery supply has gotten low and students may need to bring some extra batteries and supplies to help them complete their projects.

Looking forward to Wednesday!!

Here is our new spelling list:  doubt, motion, snooze, crawl, wound, design, tie, mention, assist, nickel, confession, emotion, moment, concert, sympathy, final, system, majesty, bankrupt, million.

Our First Service Project

Last week we heard about the devastating fire that broke out at the Brodie’s home.  Everyone is safe but so much of what they owned is now gone.  As a class we decided that we wanted our first service project to be for David Brodie- who has lost so much!  Mrs. Derksen and I talked on Friday and we have decided to collect money this week for David.  We have two mom’s that will use the money to purchase some new things for David – a masculine ‘gift basket’, if you will!

There will be an envelope at our desk for you or your child to donate money.  We want to purchase some gifts over the weekend so please have the money in by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH.

As a class we look forward to being able to bless David – so thank you so much for supporting us in our first class service project!

Mrs. Derkesen & Mrs. Goosen


Spelling List

Here are the words for this weeks spelling list.  This list is also available on spelling city – a great way for your child to study for their spelling list!

Here are the words:  century, centennial, centimeter, examine, examination, marry, marriage, condition, government, stopped, knowledge, theater, megaphone, belief, believe, ability, union, behave, behaviour, course.


A Day of Heavy Hearts

Today was an emotionally challenging day for our class.  As most of you have heard, the Brodie’s home had a large house fire yesterday.  David joined us for the first hour of class today and as you can guess, it was very emotional for all of us.  We had an incredible prayer time together with many tears and encouraging words.   Our hearts break for the loss of all of David’s personal items and in the next week we will be putting together a plan on how the grade 6 students can further help him through this challenging time.  For updates on how Highroad Academy is supporting the family and how you can help, check out the “Academy News” section of our school’s website.  Our class, however,  will solely focus on supporting David during this time.  We will let you know next week what we have decided to do as a class.  Thanks for your support and prayers for the Brodie family.

Important Dates in November

Here are some important dates in November…

Friday, Nov. 9 –  Remembrance Day service, 11:00.  Noon dismissal

Monday, Nov. 12 – School closed

Wednesday, Nov. 14 – Knight’s Day (read below)

Saturday, Nov. 17 – SWR

Friday, Nov. 30 – 1/2 day and crazy hat day



On November 14th, students K-6 have the opportunity to wear their new Highroad t shirts and casual pants in support of our Grade 7 boys basketball team.  If you have not yet purchased your Highroad t shirts, they will be on sale for $10 before school, on Wed. November 14th.  Participation in “Knight Day” is optional and students may feel free to wear their uniforms if they prefer.  Come on out and support Highroad athletics!

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