Fun Day!

We are looking forward to our Fun Day this Wednesday.  This is a half day (noon dismissal) where students get into groups and participate in various team building activities.  Students can wear casual clothes and dress in their team colours.  Below are the teams that the students are on:

Red – Charlie, Isabella

Blue – Kaden, Minjae, Jaedyn, Claire

Black – Blaine, Samantha

Green – Luke, Macayla

Grey – Nathanael, Noah, Cadence

Yellow – Quinn, Keegan, Grace


I am also in need of some mini muffin tins for a Father’s Day gift.  If you have any, please send them along on Thursday!  Ideally I need six more.  Thanks so much!


Wave Pool Tomorrow!!

We are excited to head to the wave pool tomorrow!  Students can wear play clothes and we will be leaving the school at noon to head the the pool.  Please ensure that bathing suits are modest and that all parent volunteers have an up to date criminal record check.

Thank you!

Cupcake Sale Tomorrow

The primary department is having a cupcake sale tomorrow, Wednesday, June 8th.  This sale it to help support Nathan and Melanie Loewen with their move to Indonesia.  All cupcakes will be $1.

Looking forward to going to the Leisure Center on Friday for a fun swim!

Swimming & Spelling Lists

First of all, the class lunch was a huge success!  Thank you all for bringing in food…it is always so great to enjoy lunch together!

Just a reminder that next Friday we will be swimming at the Landing Leisure Center and field trip forms went home today for the water slides.

Spelling Lists

List 1:  doubt, motion, snooze, crawl, wound, design, tie, mention, assist, nickel, confession, emotion, moment, concert, sympathy, final, system, majesty, bankrupt, million

List 2:  employee, athlete, multitude, bureau, heifer, vehicle, library, vicinity, confectionery, athletic, anniversary, opportunity, emergency, treachery, disease, calculator, calendar, isthmus, consequence, controversy

Have a great weekend!

Class Lunch Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that we have our Eating Locally Class Lunch tomorrow!  I have included the list below in case you need to see what your child is bringing.

Local Lunch Food List:

Kaden – 1 dozen buns, sliced (any store that makes their own buns I would consider local…Superstore, Save-On, Sardis Bakery)

Noah –  1 dozen buns, sliced (any store that makes their own buns I would consider local…Superstore, Save-On, Sardis Bakery)

Isabella –  1 dozen buns, sliced (any store that makes their own buns I would consider local…Superstore, Save-On, Sardis Bakery)

Stanley –  Sliced Meat (Fraser Valley Meats has cooked farmer sausage that is made right here in Chilliwack)

Luke – Sliced Meat (Fraser Valley Meats has cooked farmer sausage that is made right here in Chilliwack)

Quinn – Sliced Meat (Fraser Valley Meats has cooked farmer sausage that is made right here in Chilliwack)

Macayla – Small plate of sliced cheese (Cracker Barrel cheese is made from 100% Canadian milk)

Samantha – Small plate of sliced cheese (Cracker Barrel cheese is made from 100% Canadian milk)

Blaine – Two cucumbers, sliced (Windset Farms sells cucumbers from Delta – purchase from Superstore or Save On)

Nathanael – Two Peppers, Sliced (Windset Farms sells peppers from Delta – purchase from Superstore or Save On)

Keegan – Carrots, cut up and ready to eat (I think there are a lot of carrots right now that are from Canada)

Grace –  local strawberries, washed and ready to eat (Hoffsteads or roadside stands)

Charlie – local strawberries, washed and ready to eat (Hoffsteads or roadside stands)

Jaedyn –  2 litres of Chocolate Milk (all brands will be Canadian milk)

Minjae-  2 litres of Chocolate Milk (all brands will be Canadian milk)

Claire – 2 litres of Chocolate Milk (all brands will be Canadian milk)

Mrs. Goosen – veggie dip, local taco chips and homemade salsa

Spelling Lists

List One:  century, centennial, centimeter, examine, examination, marry, marriage, condition, government, stopped, knowledge, theater, megaphone, belief, believe, ability, union, behave, behavíour, course

List Two:  weight, campaign, consciousness, controllable, organize, organization, sense, sensible, compression, experience, permitted, profit, arrangement, discussion, session, welfare, tying, resemble, resemblance, resemblance, magnificent

Eating Locally Class Lunch


We are finishing up the agriculture portion of our BC’s Natural Resources unit this week and we have been focusing on agriculture in the Fraser Valley and more specifically, eating locally.  We would like to end this section of our unit by enjoying a local meal together.  I thought the best way to do this would be to assign students different items to bring and then we will have a ‘potluck style’ meal together.

This is a great time of year to have a local meal as many of our fruits and vegetables are coming in to season.  It is ideal if the food we are bringing is from BC – if that is proving difficult, then from Canada would be the next best thing.  I have chosen foods that I think we should be able to find at our local grocery store or some place like Hoffstead’s.  If you are having some difficulty then please send me an email and we can figure out an alternative.

If there is anyone who would like to come in around 11:30 and help set up (and stay for lunch, of course), please let me know.

Thank you for helping me with this!  I really appreciate it!

Mrs. Goosen

Local Lunch Food List:

Kaden – 1 dozen buns, sliced (any store that makes their own buns I would consider local…Superstore, Save-On, Sardis Bakery)

Noah –  1 dozen buns, sliced (any store that makes their own buns I would consider local…Superstore, Save-On, Sardis Bakery)

Isabella –  1 dozen buns, sliced (any store that makes their own buns I would consider local…Superstore, Save-On, Sardis Bakery)

Stanley –  Sliced Meat (Fraser Valley Meats has cooked farmer sausage that is made right here in Chilliwack)

Luke – Sliced Meat (Fraser Valley Meats has cooked farmer sausage that is made right here in Chilliwack)

Quinn – Sliced Meat (Fraser Valley Meats has cooked farmer sausage that is made right here in Chilliwack)

Macayla – Small plate of sliced cheese (Cracker Barrel cheese is made from 100% Canadian milk)

Samantha – Small plate of sliced cheese (Cracker Barrel cheese is made from 100% Canadian milk)

Blaine – Two cucumbers, sliced (Windset Farms sells cucumbers from Delta – purchase from Superstore or Save On)

Nathanael – Two Peppers, Sliced (Windset Farms sells peppers from Delta – purchase from Superstore or Save On)

Keegan – Carrots, cut up and ready to eat (I think there are a lot of carrots right now that are from Canada)

Grace –  local strawberries, washed and ready to eat (Hoffsteads or roadside stands)

Charlie – local strawberries, washed and ready to eat (Hoffsteads or roadside stands)

Jaedyn –  2 litres of Chocolate Milk (all brands will be Canadian milk)

Minjae-  2 litres of Chocolate Milk (all brands will be Canadian milk)

Claire – 2 litres of Chocolate Milk (all brands will be Canadian milk)

Mrs. Goosen – veggie dip, local taco chips and homemade salsa

Spring Sing & June Dates

We have a lot of things going on during our last four weeks of school.  Here is some information for you:

Spring Sing:

Tomorrow evening is the spring sing.  Here is some information for tomorrow:

  1. Students may wear jeans or pants with their Highroad Knights shirts, the new Highroad shirts, their uniform shirts, or a PLAIN black shirt.
  2. There will be a love offering for the Nate and Melanie Loewen, who are moving to Indonesia. I included some information about their family on a previous blog post.
  3. Students should be in their classrooms by 6:40. The concert begins at 7 pm.

June Dates:

    • Friday, June 3 Eating Locally Class Lunch (see following blog post)
    • June 8: Primary Cupcake Sale
    • June 10: Wave pool (afternoon – more information to follow)
    • June 13: Waterslides (full day – more information to follow)
    • June 15: Intermediate Fun Day/Half Day Early Dismissal
    • June 22: Primary Fun Day/Half Day Early Dismissal
    • June 24: Last Day/Year End Assembly (early dismissal after assembly…approx. 10:30)

Science World on Friday

We are looking forward to our field trip to Science World on Friday!  The students will wear their regular uniforms and should bring a bag lunch that does not need to be heated.  There is a gift store if the students would like to make a purchase but this is totally optional.

Students will need to be at school at 7:45 and should return around 3:30 if traffic is smooth sailing.

I am looking forward to an amazing field trip!  This is one of my favourite places!

Mrs. Goosen


Happy Long Weekend!

I hope you have a fantastic long weekend!  There will be no spelling test next week, due to the field trip on Friday.  Please remember to return the permission slips on Tuesday!

Thank you!

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