Happy Valentine’s Day!

This Thursday the students will be able to hand out Valentines cards to their classmates.  If students are handing out cards, we ask that they make a card for each person in the class.

Below I have a list of all the studen’ts names:

Kaden, Noah, Isabella, Stanley, Luke, Quinn, Cadence, Macayla, Samantha, Blaine, Nathanael, Keegan, Grace, Charlie, Matthias, Minjae, Jaedyn, Claire, Sun a, Seojin, Annie, Mahalia, Jacob

Thank you!

Derksen Family Announcement

Hi Everyone,

As you may have already heard from your child, our family has started the process of sponsoring a refugee family.  We are excited and terrified, but have no doubt that this is what God is wanting us to do at this time.  The grade 5 class has been very encouraging and supportive as I have shared parts of our story so I thought that I would fill you in as well.

We have partnered with two other local families and the non-profit organization, MCC.  MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) helps in navigating the government paperwork, matching us with a family, helping us know how to prepare for the family, and opening up a trust account so that we can take donations that are tax-deductible.  Our FIRST STEP is raising $35 000.  We need to have ALL of the funds in place before MCC can bring the family to Chilliwack.  After the money has been raised, they will organize the travel plans and once the family arrives, WE are the ones that are responsible for supporting the refugee family for THEIR FIRST YEAR.  We need to have housing in place, cultural/language support, education, and all of the daily needs met to help the family adjust to their new home and community.

We recently started the fundraising portion and we are having our first official fundraiser on Saturday, Feb 20.  I realize that this is not a ‘Highroad’ event but I’ve had a couple of parents ask questions so I thought I would extended the invite to our classroom community.  We will be having a dessert fundraiser, featuring Christian singer/songwriter Ryan McAllister, and a silent auction.  If the grown-ups in your family would like to join us for this event, please e-mail me and I’ll be sure to save a seat for you.  (Details are at the bottom of this post.)

The students have also asked how they can help raise funds as a class.  Since this is not a Highroad event, I need to be careful not to ‘step on any toes’ so anything we do would need to be done outside of school.  If you have any ideas or ways to help organize a fundraiser that our grade 5 students could take part in, please let me know.  I’d love to organize something with your support.

Thank so much for your support, both in the classroom and in our personal lives.  Pam and I are so blessed to have such an incredible, supportive parent community.

Dessert Fundraiser Details:

Date:  Saturday, February 20th at 7pm

Place:  Central Community Church

Tickets are $10 each and payable at the door.  We just need an RSVP ahead of time to reserve a spot for you.

Silent auction items include…4 night stay on Kootenay Lake, Canucks Tickets, Outdoor Movie Screen Rental, Capturing You photography session, and so much more.  Silent auction items can be paid for by cash, cheque, or credit card.

Please RSVP to me at mderksen@highroadacademy.com in the next week.  Thanks!!  Melanie Derksen

Click on the link if you would like to be forwarded to Our Refugee Family Financial Support Link.

Class Party on Wednesday

The students are very excited that they have earned a class party!  Just before Christma the class finished the novel Holes and for our class party will be watching the Disney movie of this novel.  Please feel free to send along a snack to share.

February Dates

Happy Friday!  Below I have some dates and information for you.  February is a busy month with a lot of things happening.

    • February 4th and 5th – no school
    • February 8th – Family Day
    • February 12th: Ski Trip
    • February 15th:  Love Guatamala Day Hot Lunch and $2 Casual Day
    • February 16th: Math Mayhem
    • February 24th – Anti-Bullying Day (wear pink shirts and casual bottoms)
    • February 26th: Jump Rope for Heart

Due to a short week there will be no spelling and Bible Memory Verse.

 Love Guatemala Day  Students will have the opportunity to order hot lunch for February 15th and forms will be coming home shortly. It will also be a pay to wear casual day where students can wear play clothes if they bring $2. All proceeds from the hot lunch and pay to wear casual will go towards building a school in Guatemala. This is a wonderful opportunity for students of our class to support our High school missions trip.

Jump Rope for Heart  Miss Stark is still looking for volunteers to help with various jumping stations on February 26th.  If you are able to help, please email myself or Miss Startk at bstark@highroadacademy.com


Knight’s Day & Book Fair!

Good morning!

On Friday the students brought home a pamphlet with sample books that will be at the book fair.  It will be happening this week Tuesday – Thursday and will be open both before and after school.  This is a great way to support our library as it brings in funds to acquire new books.

This Wednesday is Knight’s Day!  Your child can wear casual bottoms and Knight’s t-shirt or hoodie.

Thanks and have a great week!


A few things…

We began a new Science unit today on Force,  Motion and Simple Machines.  We started the lesson off with two videos and then I tasked the students to solve the problem on the bulletin board – how did the pencil get sharpened.  The bulletin board was in the form of a ‘Rube Goldberg’ machine – a complex machine that performs a very simple task.  The students got down to work and most of them were able to figure out the different steps involved…well done!  At the end of this unit the students will be creating their very own Rube Goldberg machine…it will be a lot of fun!!!  Below are the two videos I showed the class and some photos for you to enjoy.

Clubs are starting next week and we have two clubs with spaces still available.  Orgami has some space left and meets on Tuesdays.  We also have room in Chess and that meets on Thursdays.  Please email me if your child is interested in either of these clubs…they can even sign up for a second club if they wish!

Here are the spelling words for this week:

List 1:  waste, ate, hole, throw, threw, slide, struck, weather, second, weary, waist, eight, whole, needle, through, board, port, station, rate, shine

List 2:  century, centennial, centimeter, examine, examination, marry, marriage, condition, government, stopped, knowledge, theater, megaphone, belief, believe, ability, union, behave, behavior, course


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Crazy Hat Day Tomorrow

My apologies for the late notice.  We had planned on doing a winter olympics day tomorrow but decided to join the primary and do crazy hat day.  Students can wear play clothes tomorrow.

Thank you!!

2 More Parent Volunteers Still Needed

Hello Parents,

Next Tuesday, January 26th, we will be starting our Immigration Centers.  I am still in need of 2 PARENT VOLUNTEERS to help with them.  The commitment would be from 9:15-10:15am on the following TUESDAYS:  Jan 26, Feb 2, 9, 16.  If you have this time available in your schedule, PLEASE consider helping out.  Having an adult to help ‘direct’ each group will only make the educational experience deeper and more enriching for the students.  Please e-mail me ASAP if you are able to help at mderksen@highroadacademy.com.  Thanks so much!

A Few Things…


Just a friendly reminder to register for the upcoming ski trip if you haven’t already.  Monday is the final day to register online, on Mrs. Couse’s blog.  http://bcouse.edublogs.org/ski-trip-registration-2/  Please also return the signed consent forms to the classroom teacher by this Monday.

Tuesday and Wednesday (Jan. 19th and 20th) are the payment days.  There will be a table set up in the school lobby from 3:10-3:45.  You can make payment with a cheque (written out to Highroad Academy), your student reserve account, Debit card, or cash.  Please do NOT pay at the office.  If you cannot make these dates, you can send the pre-written cheque to the lobby with the student, or make an alternate plan with Mrs. Couse by email.  All payments must be made by Weds. at 3:45.

Thank you for your assistance with this.  We are looking forward to an exciting ski trip with as many intermediate students and their parents as possible.  Remember there is a “free” option of tobogganing.



The missions team is heading to Guatamala over spring break and has begun a collection of items that they would love to have donated by the children in various classes.  Below is a list of items that the team is looking to bring.  Please have the donations in by the beginning of March.

Things we need donated….

Pencils, Pencil crayons, Felt pen, Rulers, Erasers, Small Cars, Small stuff animals, Bouncy balls, Face Clothes, Small soaps, Tooth brushes, Scissors, Small Tooth paste, Hair combs, Small dolls, Children clothes, Children shoes, Twin sized bottom sheets, Baby clothes

Spelling Lists:

List 1: author, aunt, uncle, captain, chief, sailor, nobody, police, thief, friend, indicate, repeat, explain, sentence, reprove, request, object, address, refuse, mourn

List 2:  impartial, possible, total, particular, natural, temporary, pleasant, grateful, certain, serious, local, opposite, peculiar, brilliant, divine, fertile, original, handy, constant, anxious

Enjoy your weekend!

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