Talent Show & Literature Circles

Talent Show:

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting an Intermediate Talent Show during out Annual Art Gala this year.  The event will be held in the evening of Thursday, May 21.

If students are interested in demonstrating their talent, AUDITIONS will be held on two different days: APRIL 16 & APRIL 24, from 3:15 – 4pm.  Students may leave as soon as they have tried out.

If students are auditioning with a piano, instrument, or dance number, they should attend on April 16.

If they are singing, doing a sport demo, or an other talent, they should attend on April 24.


Please be sure to have rehearsed well in advance and bring all music, instruments, etc that you may need.

If students are unable to attend one of the two audition times, please contact Miss Warden and she will find a time that works for both of you.

Literature Circles:

This week we began our final novel study of the year.  The students have been placed into groups and are reading ONE of the following four novels:  The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis, Holes by Louis Sachar, Silverwing by Kenneth Opel, or Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo.

Each week students will complete their reading AT HOME or during Silent Reading time in school.  In class, they will complete three mini-assignments each week:  a ‘Thinking Page’, a post-it reflection of their favorite passage, and their favorite 1-3 vocab words from the passage.  They will be given in class time to do these assignments, but there may be times that they have some of it for homework.  After completing their assignments, they will meet with their group members to discuss the plot, characters, connections, and favorite parts of the novel.

Even after our first day of Lit Circles, the students are VERY excited about the books and are avidly reading them during their available time.  I think I may have to try and hold a few of them back from getting too far ahead. 😉  It’s so much fun to see them so excited about literature and about sharing their ideas and reflections with their peers and myself.

If you have any questions or concerns during the novel study, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Derksen

Running Club

HRA K-6 Running Club

Mrs. Folkerts and I are very excited to announce that we are ready to begin recess running club. This is open to all students from K – 6 and will take place during Monday and Friday morning recess. The first portion of running club will begin on Monday, April 13th and continue until early June.

All students in kindergarten to grade six are invited to join, regardless of fitness level or experience with running. Walking breaks will be encouraged when necessary and students will gradually build their stamina with each run they do.

Students will run around a portion of our field and laps will be recorded. At the end of the club we will give out awards based on the average laps completed and a special treat will be given to the boy and girl in each class with the highest number of laps.

Students who are interested in joining the running club will sign up with their classroom teacher. There is no cost to this club but we do ask that students who sign up stay committed and attend each session. All students will need is their water bottle, running shoes and a great attitude!

We look forward to encouraging your child in their journey towards health and physical fitness! Please email Mrs. Goosen at pgoosen@highroadacademy.com with any questions or concerns you may have.

Mrs. Goosen & Mrs. Folkerts

April Dates & Spelling List

I hope you all had a fantastic Easter! Below are some important dates this month as well as our spelling words. They will also be on spelling city.


April 7th- Little Hoopsters begins. 3:20-4:30
April 8th- Little Diggers begins. 3:20-4:30.
April 14th- Class Photos. Wear full uniforms.
April 15th- Knight Day
April 22nd- Service Day
April 21-23- Scholastic Book Fair
April 24th- Hot Dog Day

Spelling List: R6
feature, neighbour, beige, sleeve, poverty, visitor, toward, pickle, advice, tobacco, article, drown, liquid, decade, disaster, vessel, avenue, janitor, against, method

List: V1
cereal, principal, prairie, career, volunteer, association, yacht, missionary, mansion, surgeon, license, pianist, mosquito, secretary, artillery, grievance, berth, principle, spaghetti, superstition

And We’re Off!

We have had a great start to the third term!  We began our final Science Unit, Force and Motion & Simple Machines with a look at two AMAZING Rube Goldberg Machines.  Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist and an inventor that drew very elaborate machines that performed one simple function.  I have attached the two videos that we watched yesterday…can you find the purpose of the two Rube Goldberg machines?

Once that was done, the students had to figure out how the classroom’s bulletin board Rube Goldberg machine worked…how did the pencil get sharpened?  The class did a fantastic job of figuring out all of the different parts that worked together to sharpen the pencil!  I have attached some photos for you to look at.  Our final Science project will have teams build their own Rube Goldberg machines that include various simple machines we will be learning about this term!  Should be a fun unit!

Enjoy the videos and pictures!

Mrs. Goosen

rube goldberg3

rube 1

rube 2


Little Diggers & Little Hoopsters

Little Diggers and Little Hoopsters are starting next week!  Below is information about each of the programs.  Registration forms can be taken from the HRA website!


Little Diggers is an 8 week volleyball skill development program for girls who are in Kindergarten to Grade 7.

We will meet each Wednesday from April 8 to May 27 from 3:20 to 4:30 pm in the gym.

Players will learn volleyball skills from Sr. Girls Volleyball team players in both a competitive and fun environment.

Please bring your registration form and $40 payment to the school office by April 2, 2015.



Little Hoopsters is an 8 week basketball skill development program for boys who are in Kindergarten to Grade 7.

We will meet each Tuesday from April 7 to May 26 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm in the gym.  The week of April 28th, we will meet on THURSDAY (April 30) instead of TUESDAY (April 28) because the gym is closed on the 28th.

Players will learn basketball skills from Sr. Boys Basketball team players in both a competitive and fun environment.

Please bring your registration form and $40 to the school office by April 2, 2015.

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a fantastic spring break!  We had a lovely ‘stay-cation’ – lots of time with friends and family, play dates, spring cleaning, sleep-in’s…all that good stuff!  And now, sigh, it’s time to get back into the swing of things!

Upcoming dates:  No School – Good Friday (April 3rd) & Easter Monday (April 6th).

We will not have a spelling list this week due to no school on Friday.  We will have our first list on the week of April 6th.

We are running short on school supplies and we are all out of Kleenex!  If you could bring a box in this week that would be much appreciated.  Some students are also out of pencils, erasers and glue sticks.  Please check and see if any additional supplies need to be brought in for this last three months of school.  **We will be using glue sticks this term so please ensure that your child has one at school**.

And I think that’s it!  Enjoy your Sunday!

Mrs. Goosen

It’s the Final Countdown!

I think everyone, teachers included, are excited that this is the final week of school before spring break!  We have a few things going on and one final spelling test for the students to take before we all enjoy a well-deserved two week holiday!

Here are a few things happening this week: Friday is our first “Green Pancake Breakfast”.  The intermediate department will enjoy green pancakes in honour of St. Patrick’s Day!  Students can wear green shirts and arrive at school with an appetite!

Report Cards also go home on Friday and will be handed out at the end of the day.

Our weekly spelling list is below:

List 1:  R5

choose, entertain, weigh, improve, promise, prefer, chose, illustrate, prepare, soldier, machine, treason, objection, area, service, treasure, create, creation, quiz, effect

List 2:  U5

social, communicate, reverence, probably, calculate, application, admittance, occupy, material, relief, courtesy, respectful, developed, responsible, agreement, consideration, assured, vision, divided, conceal

Bake Sale, Half Day & After School Supervision

Just a reminder that tomorrow there will be a bake sale before school and at both recesses in support of the missions team that heads to Thailand next week. All items are $1.

We will have no spelling this week due to a half day on Friday. Students will be dismissed at noon.

Spring is in the air! It is so nice to have long stretches of sun as winter finally turns to spring. With the beautiful weather we have been having, it is a great opportunity for students to have fun together on the field and playground equipment after school. However, as students stay longer and longer after school, we just wanted to take this opportunity to remind parents that school supervision of students concludes at 3:30. After that point, students who are still at school should already be picked up or should be supervised by parents while students are playing. Though there may be teachers still at school, they may or may not have the ability to supervise students after that time due to other obligations. To ensure their safety and supervision, after 3:30 students will be asked to wait for parents in the front lobby of the school.


I took a few pictures of the students working during Genius Hour today.  Love watching all their creative minds at work!

2015-02-25 13.16.102015-02-25 13.16.242015-02-25 13.16.56

2015-02-25 13.14.26





And a few students presented their projects to us:

2015-02-25 13.47.382015-02-25 13.53.592015-02-25 14.01.272015-02-25 14.03.45





Way to go Grade 5 & 6 students!!


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