Baking Supplies Needed Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that the students need to bring their baking ingredients to school tomorrow.  We want to have everything ready to go for Tuesday morning so please bring the items on Monday.  Also, I have one glue gun but I would love another one to help things move along quickly on Tuesday – if you have one we could borrow, please send that as well.

Mrs. Goosen

Lunch Time Games

I just had to post this.  When the students are done lunch early and can’t go outside yet, things usually get a little rambunctious.  Today was so entertaining that I had to post a little video of our fun. 🙂  Enjoy!  The game is called, “Hit the Ornament with your Head.”

Lunch Time Christmas Games


Christmas Week Preparations

Here is the schedule of events for next week:

MONDAY: Students should bring in their ingredients (see here for food list) for the cookie jar gifts.

Grade 4-6 Christmas concert is on Monday, December 15th at 7pm.  Our class will dress as modern-day angels – no wings or crazy halos, please! Un-ripped jeans and a white shirt are great, but if the students want to get creative (within reason) that is good as well.

THURSDAY: Class Christmas Party:  Students should each bring one $5 WRAPPED gift to contribute to our gift exchange game.    I will provide the drinks, students should bring a snack to share.

Grade 6 ONLY:  Bring along any costumes or props for our Socials Court Room Drama:  The Trial of Dayan

FRIDAY: We will be watching the Preschool/Primary Christmas Concert in the morning.  DISMISSAL WILL BE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE PERFORMANCE, around 10:30am.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Learning IS fun!

Right now in Social Studies we have some great learning happening!  The grade 5’s are working on research projects about Canadians that have impacted our Canadian culture.  They have been using the chrome books and very excitedly sharing the information that they discover about their chosen individual.






The grade 6’s have been practicing a court room drama.  We have actors, set & costume designers, a videographer and a photographer.   Lots of fun!


Headphones Needed

Our class uses the chrome books daily and we still have many students who have not brought headphones in.  It is essential that students have a pair of headphones to use.  Please send them in ASAP.

Thank you.

Blessing Others – Cookies in a Jar

We have decided that it would be a great idea to bless some people in our school this Christmas.  We have chosen five people that help us each and every week!  Each table group has chosen a person AND a ‘cookie in a jar’ recipe to make.

We will make the cookies in a jar next Tuesday but would like all of the ingredients at school no later than Monday.  I will provide the mason jars, the ribbon, baking soda, baking powder and salt.

If anyone has glue guns that we could borrow, please send them along!

Below I have compiled a list of what each student is bringing and they have also written it in their planners.  Thank you for helping us bless others this Christmas!

Lukas – one cup of crushed candy cane

Kaetlyn – 1 cup chocolate chips

Lydia – 1 cup of brown sugar

Elijah – 1 1/3 cup of flour

Della – 1/2 cup red and green mnm’s

Shaelyn – 2 1/2 cups flour & 3/4 cup white sugar

Halle – 3/4 cup brown sugar & 1/4 cup crushed peppermint candy cane

Brooke – 1 cup oats

Roan – 1 /3 cup flour

Carys – 1/2 cup white sugar

Matthew – 1/2 brown sugar and 3/4 cup chocolate chips

Sophia – 1/3 cup mnm’s

Annika – 3/4 brown sugar

Jenna – 1/4 cup crushed peppermint

Austyn – 2 1/2 cups flour

Alison 3/4 cups sugar and 1/2 cup red and green mnm’s

Jacob B – 1 1/3 flour

Felicity – 1 cup brown sugar

Yulie – 1 cup chocolate chips

Ivan – 1 cup crushed candy cane

Upcoming Events & Spelling Lists

Spelling Lists for this week:

Spelling List 1 – Q5:  publish, manufacture, imprison, present, breathe, employ, serve, brace, magnify, engage, journal, information, region, period, courage, debate, addition, nerve, fame, famous

Spelling List 2 – T4:  whether, compete, wrestle, realize, folks, concern, whistle, succeed, forfeit, office, ought, altogether, wreath, exception, vary, various, ninety, error, liquor, official

Grade 4-6 Christmas concert is on Monday, December 15th at 7pm.  Our class will dress as modern-day angels – no wings or crazy halos, please! Un-ripped jeans and a white shirt are great, but if the students want to get creative (within reason) that is good as well.  If you have any further questions about the concert dress please let me know and we can ask Mrs. Mackie.

Manning Ski Date Change – the date has been changed to Friday, February 13th.  More information on this in January.


Report Cards, Conferences, & Knight Day

Today we will be sending home the report cards for Term 1.  Please sign and return the envelope only.  You may keep the report card.  The elementary school will be having Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, December 10th from 3:30-6.  If you are interested in meeting with us, please call the office to make an appointment.  604-792-4680.

On Monday, December 8, Highroad will be having a Knight Day.  Students may wear their Knight shirt/hoodie with their choice of pants.  If they choose not to participate, they need to wear their school uniform.

Spelling List & Casual Day tomorrow

Tomorrow the students can support the Thailand Missions team – for a $2 donation the students can wear casual dress.

We are still in need of some classroom games – if you have any extra, please send them along!

Please continue bringing in cans for the Salvation Army Food Drive!

We are decorating the classroom for Christmas tomorrow afternoon!  If you have any decorations you would like to lend us, please send them along tomorrow!

Spelling List 1:  president, relative, boundary, thirteen, mice, circus, either, critic, culture, problem, preside, relate, convict, remember, attempt, declare, arrest, enclose, await, consent

Spelling List 2:  business, biscuit, stomach, process, chimney, choir, chorus, drought, medal, favourite, conversation, burglar, ache, electrician, bruise, volume, hymn, lily, discovery, scissors





Indoor Games Needed!

If you look outside your window, I am sure you will agree that we have entered ‘rainy season’.  The students will be indoors for more recess times and we would LOVE any donations of board games or things that would keep the class busy at recess time.

Thank you!

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