Just a Reminder…

I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter! The stomach flu went through our house this weekend so we ended up keeping things quiet and low key…not exactly what I had imagined, but relaxing nonetheless…

We have a lot of things coming up over the next week…

TuesdayKnights Day and the start of track & field. Track begins after school and ends at 3:50pm; recess running club begins.
Wednesday – Service Day. Casual dress for this day.  Please return permission slips for this day and we are still in need of a couple of parent volunteers.
ThursdayTrack & Field
FridayScience World fieldtrip. Be at school by 7:45 as we will leave at 8:00am sharp. Students are to wear their uniforms on this day. Please return the permission slips asap and we are still in need of a couple of parent volunteers. Three parents can join us on the bus. We will arrive back at school by 3:30.

There will be no spelling list this week as it is a short week but there will be BMV.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Goosen

More Fantastic Genius Hour Projects!

Mrs. Derksen and I have been so impressed with the genius hour projects that are being completed! It has been interesting to see the student’s interests and passions come to life through the projects that they create! A few weeks ago Josiah showed his completed Hammock that he made out of recycled clothing and today we learned about what it takes to be an optometrist, saw some cool yo yo tricks, soap carvings and Daniel made a go-cart! I have a couple of pictures here for you to enjoy! Keep up the great work!


A Fabulous Morning at Sardis Park

We had a lovely time at Sardis Park this morning! We spent a good hour with our nets, buckets and gum boots…scouring the shallow water for any signs of life! At first it seemed void of anything except geese and ducks. But as the students looked more closely they caught and were able to identify tiny organisms swimming around their buckets. We even found some geese eggs and spotted some turtles along one shore.

In the afternoon we went upstairs to the high school science lab. There Mrs. Johnsrude had set up a number of different microscopes and slides for us to look at. We had brought back a water sample from Sardis pond and were able to see some algae and a small fly that was in the our water sample. It was a fantastic day!

I included some pictures for you to look at. Thanks to all of the parents who came out today and helped us. 🙂

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Field Trip Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that tomorrow morning we are heading to Sardis Park for a field trip. We will be leaving the school at approx. 10:15 and arriving at the park by 10:30. For those parents who volunteered to come and help, you are welcome to join us on the bus or meet us at the park – whatever is easiest for you.

Students need to wear casual clothes, rubber boots (if they have any), dip nets (again, if they have one) as well as an ice cream pail or some sort of container to collect organisms with.

We will arrive back to school in time for lunch! Looking forward to a great morning!
Mrs. Goosen

Enjoying New Technology & Dress-up Dates

Yesterday, our class had the opportunity to try out a class set of Chrome books that was recently purchased for the intermediate department.  Oh what fun it was! At times you could hear a pin drop in the class as the students worked on their Haiku Deck presentations comparing life in Japan and Canada, countries with such different population densities.  Here are a couple of pics:

image  photo (3)

Dress-up Dates:

Tuesday, April 15th:  Beach Day:   A reminder to the girls (and boys? 😉 that you should not be wearing spaghetti straps.

Wednesday, April 16th:  BC Children’s Hospital Jeans Day.  Pay $5 at the school office to wear jeans this day.  Help our school raise money for BC Children’s Hospital!

Tuesday, April 22nd:  Knight Day

Wednesday, April 23rd:  Service Day:  Casual clothes permitted.

Spelling, Sardis Park, & Service Day

Spelling words for the week:

pigeon, heir, emperor, citizen, customer, attorney, issue, tissue, scene, majority, journey, compliment, appetite, apparatus, envelope, vegetable, approach, aisle, difficulty, icicle.

Sardis Park Field Trip this Thursday:  please return permission slips ASAP. Mrs. Goosen needs a few parent volunteers to join her, so please indicate if you can on the permission slip.  The weather is supposed to be lovely!

Service Day:  Wednesday, April 23rd.  The service activity we planned has fallen through so we are looking for ideas of things to do with the grade 6 class on this day.  If you have any ideas on what act of service we could participate in, please e-mail Mrs. Derksen.  Perhaps someone you know could use some assistance with some yard clean-up?  We’d really appreciate your help with ideas.

May Pro-D Date Change

Important info for your May calendar:

There was a May pro-d day scheduled for Friday, May 2nd.  This has now been CHANGED to MONDAY, MAY 5th.  Therefore, school will be as usual on Friday, May 2nd, with the following Monday off for students instead.

Welcome Back to Routine!

Hi Everyone,  I hope you are all feeling rested and rejuvenated after a couple of weeks off.  We have jumped back in to our regular schedule around here and so far the adjustment has been relatively painless for everyone, though the ‘thinking’ part has been a bit of a challenge for some. 😉

Our spelling words for this week are:

yield, siege, achieve, receive, conceit, vein, foreign, describe, response, rebellious, neutral, suggest, penalize, unfortunate, height, revere, mere, necessary, envelop, compute.

Bible verse is Psalm 1: 1-2, due Thursday.

Enjoy the sunshine!


Spelling & Skating

Hello All,

There will be no spelling this week or next.

Skating permission slips went home today and need to be returned ASAP.  Skating is this Friday in the morning.

Just a reminder that Friday is also a half-day pro d with NOON DISMISSAL.

Enjoy your week!

More Fantastic Genius Hour Presentations!

Today we had two more genius hour presentations – Maggie and Dylan both had fantastic projects and we thought you might like to take a look at their presentations! And the screaming in the background is Mrs. Derksen this time…your kids have very excitable teachers! We are so proud of the great work our class is doing and how they are embracing genius hour! Well done, grade six!

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