Terrific Terry Fox Run & Spelling

We had a great Terry Fox run last Tuesday – the weather was wonderful and the students had a great time!  Thank you to Katelyn and David for bringing oranges – they were delish!!  I took some pictures for you to enjoy!!

Here is the spelling list for this week:  bargain, fierce, gracious, humble, bright, busy, general, square, according, angry, tomorrow, secure, manner, increases, combine, due, release, wear, lose, already.

Friendly Reminder…Full Dress Uniform on Wednesdays!

Hi!  I chatted with the class last Wednesday about full dress uniform.  It is officially ‘starting’ this coming Wednesday, October 3rd and Mrs. Derksen and I will be looking for students wearing their full dress uniform.

For boys:  collared shirt, dress pants, cardigan sweater, dark socks and all black shoes.  Shirt, pants and sweater MUST be Neat Uniforms.

For girls:  collared shirt, kilt, knee high socks, cardigan sweater and all black shoes.  Kilt, shirt and sweater MUST be  Neat Uniforms.

Please remember to tuck in your shirts!  Thanks!!

Mrs. Goosen

Spelling and Other Things…

I hope you had a fabulous weekend and had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather!  I have this weeks spelling list.  Since this is a short week, Mrs. Derksen will give the class their test on THURSDAY.  I have also set up Spelling City.  This website allows your child to practice the words through different games and gives them an opportunity to take  an online test.  If they score 20/20 on their Spelling City test, and bring proof of that to myself or Mrs. Derksen (through a signed note in their planner OR by printing of a certificate from Spelling City), they will get a small treat.  Students will still be required to take the test in class at the end of the week.

I will add the link to the sidebar – and also put it below:


Here are the spelling words for the week:  radio, video, shelf, valley, mouse, echo, diamond, salary, lawyer, prisoner, prefix, success, variety, sheep, moose, piano, eternity, tomato, idea, enemy

TERRY FOX RUN is happening this Tuesday.  Please bring a toonie on Tuesday in support of the Terry Fox Foundation.  I am still in need of a few parents to bring oranges.  Please let me know if you are able to help out in that way.  It would be greatly appreciated!!

Also just a reminder that Friday is a Pr0-D Day!

Thanks!  Mrs. Goosen

Toonies for Terry

On Tuesday, October 2nd, the Kindergarten through Grade Six students will be running laps around the school field for Terry Fox.  The Grade 6′s will be running six laps around the school field.  The students are encouraged to bring $2 to go to the Terry Fox Foundation.  We are hoping to provide the children with orange wedges after they finish their run. Please let me know if you would like to provide some cut up oranges for the Grade 6′s.

Spelling & Music of the Week

We have been busy setting up our spelling books these last three weeks and are now ready to begin with formal spelling lists.  Spelling lists will be given in class on Monday and will  be posted on the blog.  We will do an activity with the words mid-week and the students will be tested on Fridays.  Please ensure that your child takes time each week to study and learn these words.

Here is the first set of spelling words:  loose, sweet, common, stage, resign, precious, provision, honour, congratulate, tension, tooth, patient, sword, wreck, profession, convention, tempt, facial, attention, experiment.

We will also begin Music of the Week.  Each week there will be a new artist/band they will listen to as they enjoy their lunch.   This is an opportunity for the students to be exposed to great music and  gain an appreciation for a variety of different genres.  This week we will listen to a fabulous Christian band called Reliant K.


Exploring Electricity

The class has had a lot of fun these last two weeks exploring electricity!  We began our unit by looking at pages from Thomas Edison’s  journal and we discovered that it can take a long time to successfully invent something!   The students were then challenged to create light using a battery and a Christmas tree light…then combine their light and battery with other students and see if they could light multiple lights at once.  They did a great job!!

We then worked our way through eleven electric exploration station – learning what a circuit is, how to build a basic circuit, open and closed circuits, electrical safety, and played simple home made electric games.  We also used the whole class to create a large closed circuit which lit a Christmas light.  Later in the unit the students will be building a switch and creating their very own electrical invention!  Enjoy the photos!

Scrapbook Paper Needed

Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if there are any current or ‘ex’-scrapbookers in our class community??  Do you have scrapbook paper taking up room in your craft box?  Mrs. Goosen and I are looking for paper donations to use during art class.  If you have any paper you would like to give us, please send it to school with your child or drop it off anytime.  Thanks again!  Mrs. Derksen

Games Afternoon with Mr. Bird’s class

This Friday afternoon, our class will be joining Mr. Bird’s class in a fun afternoon of relay races – where athletic ability will not matter at all 🙂 – a large group game, and then everything topped off with ice cream sundaes.  We are participating in this activity to foster school spirit, develop leaderships roles in the grade 6 students, and to enjoy this beautiful weather we’ve been having!  Students will wear their gym strip for the afternoon.

Class Photos on Monday & Hot Lunch

Just a reminder that individual class photos will take place on Monday, September 17th.  Students need to be in full dress uniform for the pictures, please.

Hot lunch is beginning tomorrow.  Forms have gone home today with the days that hot lunches are available.




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