Weekly Update

Hello families!  We have come to the end of our third week of remote learning!  How are you doing?  I hope things are going well for you and you can take time to relax with your family this weekend.

Below is some information for you… =)

Pro D Day Friday May 1st:  In our school calendar we have a pro d day scheduled.  It has been decided that we will keep this as a pro d day.  No new material will be scheduled to come out that day and students can make sure that their assignments are completed and handed in. We will also not be doing our calls with students on Friday.  I am happy to meet with your child on another day next week and will email you if your child is scheduled for a chat on Friday.

New Schedule:  A new schedule will be attached to this blog post.  As this is so new to us all, we are constantly trying to recalibrate and meet the needs of our school families.  All family situations are different and we want to be sensitive to the expectations we are placing on our families.  We have been asked to consider the amount of time it takes students to complete their ‘school work’ each day and have been given a guideline to follow when assigning work.  The new schedule has two columns set up – one with work that is expected to be done every day, and another column with option activities.  If your child needs ‘more’ to do each day then please utilize that ‘optional column’.  In addition I have an ‘extra extra’ column in the Google Classroom that has additional things your child can work on during the week.

Agenda April 27 – May 1 (2)

Whole Class Morning Meetings:  We will meet at 9:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  These will be about 15 minutes and it would be GREAT to see your child there!

Class Chat Schedule


11:00 – 11:30 Riley, Liam, Caleb, Jesse, Kamali, Barnabas

11:30 – 12:00 Calleigh, Grace, Nora, Arianna, Payton, Katlin


11:00 – 11:30 Josh, Jackson, Zachary, Owen, Jeriel, Ruben, Michael

11:30 – 12:00 Lavinia, Rebecca, Evy, Zyana, Dyllan, Mya

This is a message from the admin:

Hello Highroad Families!

We know that each student having their own dedicated computer at home is a change that can both make learning fun and productive. At the same time, these tools can pose new challenges that adults have to help a child manage. 

To help parents and students, Highroad Academy has installed:

  • Filters to ensure that  your child will not be able to access anything on the Chromebook at home that they would not also be able to access from the classroom.
  • A system that stores a student’s history and actions while online which is viewable by their teacher.

However, no system is perfect and parent support is crucial in helping students communicate with and use the chromebooks productively. 

Please continue reminding your child that:

  • They should be respectful, kind, and honest when on the Internet.
  • Their actions online can be seen by their teachers and others.
  • Their devices should be treated carefully and with respect.

You can also help by keeping computers and devices visible for your attention at home as students are using their devices. 

We understand that families are doing their best and we want to thank you for all the work you are doing at home with your child during this difficult time. 

Videos & Photos:  I have gotten some cute photos and videos from families and would love to share them with you!  Zachary and Caleb have awesome PE activity videos!  Evelyn has been making some awesome creations!


Caleb PE


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