Weekly Update

Good morning!  I hope you are enjoying this rainy weekend!  Mrs. Riley and I have been busy the latter part of the week getting the classroom ready to welcome students back!  We understand that not all students will be able to join us so we will do our best to keep online learning going!  Here’s a snapshot of what is coming up this week…

Online Learning:  We will continue to have an agenda and assignments posted on Google Classroom for students to work on during the week.  All students will be expected to complete assignments posted on Google Classroom. We will have a time set up on Friday to chat with students who are working from home.

Student/Parent Questions:  We would like your child to continue to post questions in Google Classroom and hear from you via email.  We have always done our best to respond to you and your child quickly.  On the days we are in the classroom we may not have a chance to respond to questions until school is dismissed for the day.

Student Chats on Google Meet:  Fridays between 10:30 – 11:30 I will be on Google Meet to chat with students who are learning from home.  This is a time for me to check in with the students I don’t get to see during the week. If your child would like to chat, have them pop on anytime between 10:30 – 11:30.   There is a link on Google Classroom, under the Google Meet tab.  **If you would like a different time slot on Fridays then please send me an email**

Classroom Time:  When students come to school they will be working on a variety of supplementary activities including Math, Language Arts, Bible/Health, PE, library and Art.  The majority of their Google Classroom assignments will be completed on the days they are at home.  The exception to this is Social Studies as we will be working on our Google Classroom assignments on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Library Books:  We would love all students to bring back their library books this week.  If students are not returning to school we ask that they still bring their library books back by Friday.  Books can be dropped off in the front foyer or you can hand them in at the classroom.

Whiteboards/Supplies:   Please remember to send along the Chromebooks, whiteboard/markers and all of the students pencil boxes this week.  Students will also need a water bottle.  The only thing going back and forth from home will be the student’s Chromebook.  It is important that the Chromebook is charged when your child brings it to school this week.

Knight’s Wear:  Just a reminder that students can wear Knight’s Wear and casual bottoms these last three weeks.  No gym strip needed.

I think that is about it!  Have a wonderful Sunday!

1 Comment on Weekly Update

  1. Zyana Ellis
    May 31, 2020 at 12:42 pm (4 years ago)

    Thank you Mrs.Goosen and Mrs.Riley! Thank you for what you did for these past 2 and a half months. Thank you for what you are doing for us so we can come back to school. I am praying for the teachers and for a good time. I miss you and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. God bless you and your families.
    Your student,


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