Weekly Update

I hope your family had a lovely Mother’s Day weekend and spent time with your loved ones.  As I’m sure you heard (and some witnessed) we had a VERY wet track and field meet on Thursday!  The class did so well despite the lousy weather and we were very thankful for a warm classroom at the end of the day!  We have a few things coming up over the next several weeks…
Britannia Mine Museum on Monday:  Next Monday we will be heading to Squamish for another amazing field trip.  Please have your child at school for 7:45 so we can be on our way at 8:00.  This gives us lots of time to get there.  After our time at the museum, we will head to Shannon Falls for a short walk and some ‘chill time’.  We should be back by 4:00.
Bible Memory Verses are coming home tomorrow.
Jeans Pay to Wear Casual is on Wednesday, May 18th.  Minimum donation is $2.
Movie Night
Hello everyone! We are excited to have a movie night next Saturday (May 14th) to raise money for our Highroad Greenhouse Project! We will have two movies geared towards two different age groups. Due to the weather forecast we will be doing both movies indoors in our gym on the big screen. Chairs will be set up, feel free to bring a blanket to cozy up for the movie. Friends and Family are welcome! Next Wednesday we will be announcing on our website which movies we will be playing for the event.
Movie geared towards Gr K-6 & families/friends 5:30-7:30pm (doors open 5:30, movie starts at 6)
Movie geared towards Gr 7-12 & families/friends 7:30-10pm (doors open 7:30, movie starts at 8)

Admission is $5 per person (Kids aged 2 and under are free) – Each admission ticket sold includes one bag of popcorn. We will be selling candy bags, chocolate bars, chips, snacks, and beverages at our concession that evening with all proceeds from the night going to the Greenhouse. We are excited to come together as a community and hope to see you there!

The School Board

Upcoming Dates:
May 13 – Knight’s Day
May 16 – Britannia Mine Museum
May 18 – Jeans Day ($2 minimum donation)
May 20 – PD Day
May 23 – Victoria Day
A few photos from the track meet & our visit with the Grade 12 Biology class this morning.  The Grade 5’s learned about healthy choices and the human body…it was fantastic!

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