Spelling and Upcoming Events

We have a few events coming up this month:

Wednesday, May 18th –  Elmido Farms field trip.  I recently heard back from Meadow Valley Meats and we will be heading there for a quick tour of their plant between the farm and ice cream store.  This will put us back to school closer to 2:00.  Please return the field trip forms on Monday.

Monday, May 23rd – Victoria Day (no school)

Friday, May 27th – Science World Field Trip.  Permission slips will come home next week

Monday, May 30th – Spring Sing at 7 PM.  Students may wear their Highroad Knights shirts, red or black. If they do not have a Highroad t-shirt they may wear either their uniform shirt or a PLAIN black shirt. They may wear jeans or pants without rips or tears and no shorts. Any shoe is fine.  We will be taking a love offering for Nate and Melanie Loewen.  Nathan has been a teacher here at Highroad for the past 11 years and his children attend our elementary school. This summer he and his wife and family are moving to Indonesia! While in Indonesia, they will be teaching at an international school and learning the culture and language. Their family will be in a Muslim nation sharing the love of Jesus to those around them.

Spelling Words:

List One:  impartial, possible, total, particular, natural, temporary, pleasant, grateful, certain, serious, local, opposite, peculiar, brilliant, divine, fertile, original, handy, constant, anxious

List Two:  mysterious, relieve, advise, solemn, apparent, image, imagine, column, independent, evidence, testimony, individual, innocence, sacrifice, prejudice, coarse, leisure, reference, occasion, acre

Have a great weekend!


Poetry Books

February and March the students were busy writing beautiful poetry!  They each chose their favourite five poems and I have gotten them all ready to be published.  The books is in my ‘cart’ on the publishing site and I am waiting for a free shipping coupon to come along!  I seem to get coupons every day so I am anticipating ordering the books this week.  Each student will receive ONE book but I can order additional books for anyone who would like to purchase one.  The books are $5 each.  Please email me by tomorrow afternoon at pgoosen@highroadacademy.com  if you would like an additional book.

Thank you!!

Mrs.  Goosen

Spelling Lists & Art Gala

Art Gala – Thursday, May 12th from 6:30 – 8:30.  Please bring 1 dozen cookies on Thursday morning!  Thank you!

Spelling List 1:  feature, neighbour, beige, sleeve, poverty, visitor, toward, pickle, advice, tobacco, article, drown, liquid, decade, disaster, vessel, avenue, janitor, against, method

Spelling List 2: cereal, principal, prairie, career, volunteer, association, yacht, missionary, mansion, surgeon, license, pianist, mosquito, secretary, artillery, grievance, berth, principle, spaghetti, superstition

Have a great weekend!

Track Meet Tomorrow & Art Gala


We are looking forward to an amazing track meet tomorrow!  Just a few reminders:

  • Students need to arrive at the school no later than 7:00am.  
  • Students should wear layers as the weather could change.  Please ensure that they are wearing their gym strip to the event.
  • Ensure the students have a water bottle, hat, sunscreen and plenty of food.  There will be a concession at the park tomorrow.
  • We should arrive back to school around 3:45.

ART GALA/TALENT SHOW – Thursday, May 12th from 6:30 – 8:00

  • A form came home this week asking each student to bring some food next Thursday morning.  Our class has been asking to send 1 dozen cookies.  Please send these along in the morning so the ladies have time to plate them.

Thank you!


Spelling List, Track Meet & Dress-Up Day

Spelling List

List 1:  choose, entertain, weigh, improve, promise, prefer, chose, illustrate, prepare, soldier, machine, treason, objection, area, service, treasure, create, creation, quiz, effect

List 2:  social, communicate, reverence, probably, calculate, application, admittance, occupy, material, relief, courtesy, respectful, developed, responsible, agreement, consideration, assured, vision, divided, conceal

Track Meet is on Thursday.  Please have your child at school by 7:00 and we will return between 3:45-4:00.  A sheet listing items to bring is coming home today.

Super Hero/Star Wars Dress-Up Day is Wednesday, May 4th.

Have a great weekend!

Upcoming Events

We have a busy next couple of weeks so I thought I would send you a list of things coming up this week and the beginning of May:

Wednesday, April 27th – Knight’s Day

Thursday, April 28th – Class Photos (full dress uniform, please)

Friday, April 29th – Jeans Day (get $5 pin at office)

Wednesday, May 4th – Star Wars/Super Hero Dress-Up Day

Thursday, May 5th – Track Meet

Thursday, May 12th – Art Gala/Talent Show Evening (grades 4-6)

Knight’s Day, Class Photos & Spelling

Just a few reminders for next week:

Knight’s Day is next Wednesday.  If your child is participating in Little Hoopsters or Diggers then they can wear their shirts from their club.

Class Photos are next Thursday.  Please send your child in full dress uniform.

Spelling Words:

List 1:  modern, popular, complete, adopt, revealed, distribute, purpose, different, satisfy, control, publication, virtue, search, together, patience, consider, injure, injury, interest, education

List 2:  senate, senator, expense, acquire, elaborate, elegant, ancient, delicious, confidential, conversion, distinguish, ignore, ignorance, necessity, excellence, meant, providence, finally, interfere, interference




Service Day Tomorrow & Genius Hour Wednesday’s Resume

Service Day

Just  reminder that we have our service day tomorrow.  We will be leaving at lunch time so the kids that normally get pizza will need to bring a lunch to school and it cannot be anything that needs to be heated or hot water added.

Also remember we need:

Casual clothes that can get dirty


Water bottle

Gardening Gloves


We are still missing a few permission slips and we need them signed and returned tomorrow.

Genius Hour Wednesdays are Back!

We are starting up with Genius hour again and the kids are super excited!  Some students finished their Science projects early and have already planned out their first project.  A reminder to those kids to bring any materials from home that are needed!  We are looking forward to see all of the amazing projects the students come up with during Genius Hour this spring.


Thank you!

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