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Team Thailand February Fundraisers


Dogs and Fries lunch. This is a great way to give while getting fed!

Hot dogs are $3 and Fries are $3. These prices are set for the purpose of generating funds for projects.

Important Details:

  • Order forms were sent home yesterday and extras are available from your child’s teacher.
  • All orders are pre-order ONLY!  (We will not be selling at the kitchen doors)

·         The due date for orders to be in is Thursday Feb 9th. This is a hard date. No orders will be taken after this date. (After school Thursday is fine.)


We are collecting the following items for Team Thailand to take with them on their Spring Break trip.  Please bring them in during the month of February.  If we fill the suitcase in our classroom, Mr. Maccan will buy ice cream for our class!

  1. Travel sized personal hygiene products such as but not limited to shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream, or any other travel sized product that one can purchase at a dollar store or grocery store
  2. Student supplies: Pencils, pens, pads, paper, erasers, calculators, kid scissors, pencil crayons, geometry kits, crayons, etc.—SCHOOL RELATED.

There will be no toys or clothes collected this year.  The Thailand staff requested only the lists above.

Each class is asked to donate a backpack so if you have one at home that is not being used, please send it in. 🙂






The countdown is on for the ski trip this Friday, February 3rd.

On Friday, if your child is riding the bus, please have them in the school lobby at 6:30am, as the bus is scheduled to leave at 6:45am SHARP.  We will not be able to delay for latecomers.  For the afternoon pick-up, please be at the school at 4:30pm.  Please do not wait for a call from your child as this will delay the teachers having to wait as well.

Parents, if you are driving to the ski hill, you do not need to meet us at the school first.  In fact we encourage you to arrive at the ski hill ahead of the bus as the rental office is willing to process your rentals before the bus arrives.  Just let them know that you are part of the Highroad Intermediate field trip and make sure that check your name off the registration list.  Tell them your ID number and that will help them find your registration.

Students should bring plenty of food and juice as we’ll be gone for about 10 hours.  Please remember to bring your ski pass (if you have one), sleds for the toboganners, and a helmet if you aren’t renting.  Wear plenty of warm clothes and bring a change of dry clothes for the trip home.  No electronics are allowed on the bus, however we encourage you to bring books or activities for the bus ride.  We’d appreciate your prayers for safety and God’s protection on our day.

For those that signed up for lessons, all lessons for levels 1-3 will start at 9:30am sharp.  The instructors have asked that parents go and enjoy an hour of skiing on your own while your child is in lessons.

Your child’s teacher will be giving out the ID numbers to help facilitate finding your names on the registration list.  When the bus arrives, students will line up by ID number order and lift tickets will be handed out.

We’re looking forward to a great day at Manning!  See you there!

Upcoming Britannia Mine Museum Field Trip

Hello Everyone!

This is a Save-The-Date Announcement.  We are excited to announce that our class, along with Miss Warden’s class, will be going to the Britannia Mine Museum on Tuesday, March 7.    Parents are welcome to join us.  We just wanted to tell you in advance notice so that you could book the day off if you wanted to come along.  More details will come out in February.

Just a couple of reminders/changes…

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that SKI TRIP REGISTRATION is due online TODAY!  If you haven’t signed up yet, please do ASAP at:

Payment can be handed in tomorrow or Wednesday afterschool, starting at 3:15pm in the school’s front lobby.

If your child is not going skiing, please send a note stating that they will not be attending.

Spelling:  Contrary to Friday’s published list, there will be NO SPELLING this week due to the surprise snow day.  The published list will be moved to next Monday.  Thanks!

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow, provided there are no more weather surprises in store for us.

Did You Immigrate to Canada?

Hello Families,

Did you immigrate to Canada?  I am looking for parents that immigrated to Canada (at any age) to come and speak to the class about their (and/or their families) experience.  I have a few questions that I would love for you to answer and can give them to you beforehand.  This is very casual, so no need to get nervous.  We just want to hear your story of immigrating to Canada.  I know there are a few of you that this applies to, so if you don’t get in touch with me, I’ll be tracking you down. 🙂  I would love it if you could come join us for Social Studies on Tuesday, January 17 at 2pm.  You can simply pop in to share your story or you can stay for the whole block (2-3pm) to hear the stories from the other parents as well.

Please contact Mrs. Derksen if you are interested in sharing your story with our class.

Tuesday School Pick Up!

Hello Parents,

Today at afternoon dismissal, we ask that all parents come to their children’s classrooms to pick them up.  We will only be dismissing students as their parents arrive at the classroom to avoid any student waiting in the cold.  Thanks for your understanding.  Be safe!

NEW Christmas Concert Date

Hello Families,

The Grade 4-12 Christmas Concert has been rescheduled for THURSDAY, Dec. 15th from 2-3pm.  We apologize for the afternoon performance time but it was all that was available on such short notice.  We understand that it may be difficult for all parents to come to a concert during the day so we will also be filming the entire concert.  This video will be made available to parents in January.

Students should bring their pajama costumes to school on Thursday.  They will get changed just before the performance.  Please DO NOT WEAR your pajamas to school that day.

Christmas class party will go ahead on Thursday.  See previous post for details on what students have been assigned to bring in regards to food.  Thanks!

No Spelling and Bible verse this week.

Parent Volunteers Needed

We have started studying the topic of ‘Human Migration’ in Social Studies.  In the upcoming weeks, I am going to be in need of some parent volunteers to help me run centers for the students.  Each center will focus on a different immigrant group and I will need one parent per center to work with a small group of students by facilitating discussion and keeping them on task. 🙂  During EACH time slot listed below, I need FOUR PARENT VOLUNTEERS.  Please take a look at the schedule and if you are able to help out, please e-mail me as soon as possible.  Ideally, I would love to have each parent volunteer all four times.  This allows you to become very comfortable with the content and activities, however, I realize this may not work for everyone’s schedule, so I’ll happily fit you in whenever you are available.  Thanks in advance for helping making our Socials class more enriching for the students.

Thursday, Dec.1 from 9:15-10am

Friday, Dec. 2 from 9:15-10am

Tuesday, Dec. 6 from 2:15-3pm

Tuesday, Dec. 13 from 2:15-3pm

Melanie Derksen (


Parent Orientation Reminder & French Alphabet Quiz

Just a reminder for parents that the Highroad Parent Orientation night is at 7pm TONIGHT.  Please come out to hear important announcements from our school principal, Mr. Morris.

Also, there is an oral French Alphabet quiz tomorrow.  Below is a link to an alphabet song that we have been listening to in class, in case your child wants to practice it some more tonight.

Next Week’s News

Just a couple of things to note for next week…

There will be NO spelling next week as there is a pro-d on Friday, September 23rd.  

On Monday we will crack open our new class novel, Wonder.  It’s an incredible story about Auggie, a boy born with a major facial deformity, which chronicles his grade 5 year in school.  I highly recommend picking up a copy for yourself, you will not be disappointed.


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